Chapter 4 Oops, You're Dead

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Christmas Day, there was a certain vibe to it. The smell of pine and the feeling of joy and that one smell, the Macy's one. You woke up with Jack next to you, boy he was knocked OUT. You giggled and tried sneaking past, but you soon realized that his arms were wrapped around you. 'Fuck'

You decided that since he was so tired he probably wouldn't wake up if you budge him. So you try but also realized he was way heavier than you had originally intended for a skinny white boy and he ended up on top of you neck down. His face was buried into the crook of your neck and his soft cold breath on it gave you goosebumps. 'Calm down Y/n, we can get out of this.' Before you could try once more to shove him off of you, his eyes fluttered open.

Tiredness turned into confusion and confusion turned into embarrassment in the matter of seconds. You awkwardly smiled at him, "Merry Christmas!" "Ah! Was I- you know what, yeah merry Christmas," he quickly gets off of you and rubs his neck. "I'm gonna go make breakfast, okay, yep, yup okay bye," he disappears into the kitchen and given that he's really pale, you can 100% tell when he's blushing, and he as sure as hell was.

You got up after a few seconds of laying down on the couch in the same position Jack left you in. Today was the day you were going to go give presents to the children in the Family's together shelter and the earlier you got there, the better.

"You doing anything today?" You called to him from the bathroom, mouth full with toothpaste. "Nope," he called back, "kids tend to stay inside playing with their toys today...why?" You smirked, "I just thought that if you came with me today, it would make the kids way happier!" "There's a likely chance none of them know about me," Jack responded mixing pancake mix. "Well, then, I'll make them believe!"

Jack chuckled, "You're really persistent for a 19 year old." "Well, kids will believe anything I say, they love me!" You exaggerate loudly. "I bet they do!" He yelled back laughing.


"Are you sure you want to call an Uber?" Jack asked crossing his arms, "I can fly you there if you wanted." You glanced up at him as you took the two huge garbage bags filled with presents. "Although the offer is tempting, I'll have to decline. It's broad daylight, how would people react if they saw me flying around like it was normal eh? I'd get the cops called on me or some shit."

He smirked at your funny remark, you hated when he did that because your whole body basically melted. But being the person you are, you were able to hide it. You scrunched your nose at him before walking out the house (I refer homes as houses even if I live in an apartment) with Jack by your side and locked the door.

"So, why do you do this every year?" Jack asked waiting with you on the sidewalk for the Uber to come. You looked down at the cement floor, "Well, I never told anyone this...but since you're a guardian, I might as well." You glanced up at the pale boy and he looked intrigued. "I...don't have parents. They're not dead or anything, well, not that I know of. One's probably in jail and the other's probably partying with their friends without a care in the world." Jack was hanging onto every word, looking deeply into your eyes. Nope, you couldn't do it, you looked back at the ground.

"I've gotten over it by now. But, back when I was a minor, I was put in a Foster home. Let's just say my foster mom wasn't the brightest. She wouldn't buy us anything, unless it was a limited amount of clothes or food. Every night," you took a deep breath, you'd never told this story ever and you hadn't imagined it being this hard, "I'd cry asking why I wasn't enough. Christmas was more depressing than usual since I knew I wasn't getting anything. But one year, I was 8, no, 9, I woke up Christmas day with a small box on the counter next to me. It said 'to Y/n, from Santa'. I opened it up and there was a gold necklace with a golden heart on it. It made me believe again, and after I thought I stopped believing I guess there was a part of me that didn't stop."

You held the necklace on your neck and smiled at Jack, he returned the gesture. You stayed like that for another few seconds when a car approached the sidewalk. "Oh! Here it is" you told Jack, "You can fly over, and I'll meet you there." He agreed and you got into the car while he flew off.


You walked into the building and signed in. She woman in the front desk pointed you to a room which you excitedly walked into. You opened the door to see kids playing around, some of them drinking hot cocoa at the couch placed in the middle of the room. All of their little eyes landed on you. "Y/N!" They yelled running up and hugging you. You dropped your garbage bags and bent down to hug them back.

Jack smiled warmly, who would've thought, at the sight of you and the kids. "I missed you guys so much!" You exclaimed, "this year, I brought someone with me!" The children looked around, "I don't see anyone," a boy, Andrew said crossing his arms. "Well, have you ever heard of Jack Frost?" You asked them. They all shook their heads. "Isn't that just a saying?" Jordan asked.

You giggled at Jack's blank expression. "No hun, that's what adults want you to think. Everyone knows who Santa is right?" You asked. "Yessss," the children responded in sink. "Well, he's a guardian and a real person, just like Santa. He makes the snow we build snowmen with and the snow that comes out of the sky." The kids were hanging on every word. "Then why cant we see him," an older girl, 8 year old Lila asked.

"Well, in order to see him, you need to believe in him!" You responded. They all stayed silent, you could tell they were trying their hardest to believe. "Jack," you whispered, "carry me." He lifted you up and walked around the room, all the kids gasped in awe at you flying around the room. All of a sudden, they all saw him.

"Woah! Jack Frost!" One of them yelled, pointing at him. Jack's eyes widened, it had worked. They all ran up to him while Jack sat down on the floor. "You see this stick? It holds allll of my powers, touch it if you'd like, but be careful not to break it." You chuckled walking up to the Christmas tree and placing the presents under it.

Their caretaker/teacher, Kiera walked into the room and saw them gathered around, well, nothing while you were at the opposite end of the room. "What are they doing?" She asked smirking. "Talking to Jack Frost, you know, being kids," you added. "Oh really? That's adorable," Kiera paused, "w-where's Chris?"

Your eyes widened, "I haven't seen him at all today," you responded, "why? Was he here last?" Kiera nodded worriedly. You looked out the window next to the tree to see a small boy, about 5 years old walking into the street. "Chris," you whispered underneath your breath.

You booked it out of the room and out the building. "CHRIS! CHRIS!" Jack was confused on why you left so suddenly and Kiera ran after you. 'He must've ran out!' You thought, still running. You saw the boy still in the middle of the street trying to pick up a rock.

There was a car coming right at him.

"No!" You yelled running to him. You managed to push him out of the way just in time, but in doing so, tripped. No time to move.


The car was the last thing you ever saw. At least in this life it was.


Two days later

Jack was devastated, there were less and less snow days. He would stay inside your house snuggled up in the blanket that still smelled of your scent, until they took it all away. The couch, the tv, even the blanket.

But you were going to be reunited once again.

Until next time

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