Chapter 1: Holidays

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You walked through the street, arms wrapped around yourself tightly. You cursed silently at how cold it was no matter how many layers you had put on.

All you wanted to do was go to work, was that too much to ask? Apparently it was since everywhere you looked, you saw kids and their parents having fun together. Sledding, snowball fighting, building a snowman, you name it. You were happy for them, but it stung since you didn't get that when you were younger.

"Good morning Y/n!" One of your coworkers said as you entered the store. "Hey Kai! The weather is killing me today," you said, taking in the heat of the supermarket, "It's way better in here." You took off your gloves and scarf then tucked them in your coat sleeve.

"Tell me about it! There wasn't a snow day at my toddler's pre school, so I had to hear him complain about the weather the whole way there," Kai explained. There it was again, the stinging in your heart. "I feel his pain," you chuckled.

A few other coworkers came in together and went to the free registers. They were all talking about how cold it was outside except one person. The youngest employee there, who also happened to be only a year younger than you. 18 year old Jamie. "I mean, on the bright side, the decorations are beautiful and the kids are having fun!"

"You are such an optimist," you chuckled. "How could I not be? I was practically raised on the holidays. So much so, that I'd pretend to go on adventures with Jack Frost, Santa, the Easter Bunny ummm the sandman and even the tooth fairy," Jamie counted a finger for each "character".

You scanned a customer's items. "I was never a 'super believer' but I always- your total is $23.95- I always believed in Santa and such. I stopped really believing- thank you come again- a few years ago. But you would've made an awesome friend in elementary." 


A few hours passed before there were no customers left. You were about to pack up, but someone else entered the store. You couldn't really see his face since he had a hood on. You groaned. There was only Jamie and you left at the store and you knew it was be kind to take the customer even though you didn't want to.

"I'll get this last customer Jamie, you can leave," you half smiled. "Huh? There's nobody here," Jamie responded confused. You furrowed your eyebrows. "What? He's right there," you gestured to the sweets isle. Jamie followed your hand until he was looking where you were looking. "Nope, empty."

You quickly fix your eyes at the security camera. The channel for the sweets isle.... Nothing. You quickly shoot your eyes back to the isle, sure enough, there he was. 'Am I going crazy?!' You thought. You looked back at the camera which showed that no one was there. You turned to face the hooded boy, but he was gone. And a breeze sensation went all throughout the store.

"N-never...mind," you kept your eyes on the now empty candy section. "I'm probably...just exhausted." Jamie put on his coat and hat. "Yeah, probably," the boy said, "have a good night, and get some rest." You waved bye before slowly putting on your coat. You were trying to process what had just occurred, but couldn't. 'I'm just exhausted,' you thought, walking out the store.

But were you?

A/n: FIRST CHAPTER DONE YESSSSSSSSS!!!! Don't mind me, just a little excited. Sorry if it was boring, I just had to lay out everything before building on it.

Until next time

Snow and Arrow: Jackfrostxreader Where stories live. Discover now