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"Okay kid, behave yourself for aunty Dan and uncle Spencer," Morgan warns his daughter as he holds Penelope by the waist. It's not the first time that Danny and Reid have babysat for the couple. They enjoy to spend time with the kids of the agents. The kids are often visitors at the apartment.

The girl huffs at her father. She's grown a lot since Danny first met her. The two years that passed made Danny a lot more closer to the team and she became the honorary babysitter when they were on cases, and when the couples just wanted a night out.

Jazmine, Derek and Penelope's little girl is now eight and looks every bit of her parents, with her dark hair, down to the funky style of her mother and her love of electronics. That girl never puts down her tablet.

"I'm sure she'll be fine Derek," Danny ushers the girl into the house before he goes dad mode again. He really is an overprotective father, but Danny doesn't blame them with the job they do.

After they leave, Hotch knocks on the door, Spencer jumps up to get it.

"They're all acting weird," Jaz states without looking up from her tablet. She playing a game she made, like usual.

"Who is?" Danny ask the young girl. She noticed a nervousness in Spencer this morning but shook it off. Now that even a little girl is picking up on it, it comes to the forefront of her mind.

"My parents, and uncle Spencer," Jazmine mumbles low because of jack coming in followed by the one they were talking about. Spencer sits down next to the girls and bounces his leg up and down, drumming his fingers on his knees.

The eight year old and the twenty one year old look at each other.

Not long after, JJ and Will come over with Henry dropping him off and lingering by the door with Spencer. They talk in hushed whispers and Danny for the life of her cannot hear, especially when the two boys keep arguing over a toy in the background. The joys of children, she thinks and lets out a breath.

Just as she is about to walk over to interrupt the conversation, Spencer peaks his head around the corner, glancing at his girlfriend and all the children. "I have to change really quick, Dan can you stay with them for a second?"

He doesn't wait for her answer and shoots into his bedroom. Now Danny definitely knows somethings wrong. Change? Does he have a case?

"Did they say anything about what was going on?" Danny asks the girl next to her, hoping she might have a clue.

"No," she shakes her head, "but I can track dad's phone if you want."

Danny whips her head around to the girl in disbelief, "No, that's okay." She doesn't know if she should tell Derek that his daughter can keep tabs on his phone. That seems a little invasive, but she ignores it for now, since she has other things to think about.

Spencer walks out of the bedroom with a purple button up and black slacks. Danny drops her jaw in disbelief. No matter how many months go by, Danny still sees Spencer as the hottest guy she's ever seen. His hands clutch at his sides when the doorbell rings again. And despite her total confusion at who could be at the door, she can't take her eyes away from him.

All the girls walk in. Prentiss, JJ and Garcia all run up to Danny and take her by the hands, dragging her into the bedroom that Spencer just came out of.

"Okay. What is going on. Why are you here and I thought you all went out on dates," Danny folds her arms over her chest, a defensive pose.

The girls look at each other with smiles on their faces a Danny gets a rush of nervousness. Why did it feel like they were plotting something?

Reid and the awkward girl | S.R.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu