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After a few minutes of Danny staring at the floor with wide eyes, and the team staring at Danny, someone finally talked.

"So I guess Reid's not gay?" Morgan broke the awkward silence with a teasing smirk.

Danny whipped her head up fast, "huh?!"

Morgan laughed out loud and explained to the whole team, plus Danny. "So I walked up behind Reid once and saw that it said "Dan the man" as a contact name. He was smiling while texting and I thought you were a guy," he directed that last part to Danny. "He kept referring to you as just 'Dan' so I guess we were all a little confused."

A nervous chuckle bubbled out uncontrollably. "Well, uh, you know, yeah, I'm a girl. Yeah," Danny stumbles over her words. Reid talks about her? She's too flustered. With that information and the fact that these people are her idols, it's hard to function. Danny feels about to short circuit from stress and fan girling.

Morgan chuckles at the girl and Prentiss slaps his chest with the back of her hand.

"So how did you and Reid meet," Prentiss tries to make the girl more comfortable. Danny cringes.

"College," she tries to keep it at that.

"Ah so let me guess, classic you-drop-your-books-and-guy-picks-it-up am I right?"

"Well, uh, no. He's my professor," Danny rushes out.

Rossi wheezes in his seat, hand over his heart. Danny ducks down like a turtle. Morgan slaps his knee with a 'My Man!' While everyone else tries to not stare wide eyed.

"David Rossi, was actually supposed to be my teacher," Danny tries to take their mind off the whole student/teacher relationship.

"Ah Charles' class. I see," the Italian man snaps out of his stupor.

Another silence ensues, one that Danny is not keen to be in. "Well if all we are going to do is wait around, all be aback at the station trying to find Spencer's shooter." Danny stands and walks over to the elevator.

"Wait, wait wait," Morgan runs over, followed by the rest of the team. "Sorry hun but you can't work on this case with us."

"I can and I will." She walks into the elevator.

"No" Morgan follows with the rest.




"Okay," Rossi drags out. "Come on children. Stop that." The elevator dings.

"The least we can do it offer you a ride back to the station," Hotch offers when Danny says she will have to call the station for a ride.

"Yeah, okay" she nods. Playing with her fingers she follows after him. He's definitely the most intimidating out of the whole team.

After a quick ride they are back at the station. Danny climbs out, passing Harold in the parking lot with a quick pat to make sure he's okay, then walking into the station like she owns it.

If she's going to run with the big dogs on this case, and help out Spencer, then she has to woman up. Dan the Man is out to play. Her father would be proud of her. No matter what the team says, she is working on this case.

She walks around the desks and sees through the glass a room covered in files with a board up. She walks in, ignoring the protests of Morgan behind her. Staring at the board, the artwork of Spencer Reid greats her. Pictures, notes, maps, markers and lines take up the entirety of the space. It's beautiful.

She admires it for a second before getting straight to work. She feels the team staring at her but she ignores it. Picking up a green marker she is reminded of the time she played the geographical profiling game with Spencer. He really was a good teacher.

Reid and the awkward girl | S.R.Where stories live. Discover now