Time Skip 2: Big day

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1 year after last time skip

Set In Japan

Y/N's P.O.V.

Instead of my alarm waking me up like normal three of my best friends jump on my bed and wake me.

"What's happening?"

"Today's you're big day!!"

"It's so early."

"Well there's a lot to do to prep you. Now get up."

Before I know it I'm being shoved out of bed and I'm on the floor.

"First breakfast!" Nakajima shouts as she enters the room holding up two bags with Mcdonald's breakfast in them.

As Nakajima and the others set up the small hotel room table with breakfast I sit smiling with tears welling up in my eyes. Six years ago I was still struggling with eating even one meal. Then it started again three years ago. And now I'm about to eat a full breakfast on my wedding day. Kōshi I don't think I'll ever be able to thank you enough for helping me so much both times. Especially three years ago, I probably would've had to stop my vollyball career for good back then if it had gotten bad. Thank you so much Kōshi.

Before I know it I'm out of the shower and my bridesmaids are doing my hair and makeup.

"It's water proof so feel free to cry as much as you want." Kiyoko says while applying my mascara. Being able to keep in touch with Kiyoko has been amazing. Her and Tanaka have been dating for a while now. That's still a shocker to me.

I've had my hair and makeup done for a while now, all that's left is the dress.

"It's 6! You need to get in that dress now!"

I rise to my feet and slip on my wedding dress. I look in the mirror and smile to myself. It's here, it's finally here.

It's a sunset wedding outside so I'm waiting by some trees before the ceremony starts. I hear the music start to play. I grip my bouquet and look down nervous as ever. I feel an arm hook with mine and I look up to see Daichi. I decided to have Daichi walk me down the isle instead of mom or dad, it just felt right.

We start the walk down the isle and I look up to see Suga standing there with his smile that won my heart over. His eyes are watery and he's trying not to play with his fingers too much. He's dressed in the white suit jacket and pants he picked out along with a black tie and button up.

Once I'm at the end of the isle Daichi gives me a kiss on the cheek and goes to stand by Suga's side. As I'm looking into Suga's eyes he mouths the words 'you look beautiful' and I silently giggle and a rosey blush covers my face.

The cerimory goes as planned and towards the end we give eachother our vows.

"Y/n, I can't describe how amazing you are and how happy you've made me in words, it's just not possible. You brought a light to my life that I didn't know I needed, you've made loney nights full of laughter and love. Even when you're off traveling I don't feel alone, you've got this presence that leaves an impact on everyone you meet, and I can't express how thankful I am for you. I love you y/n and that'll never change, and I promise that in return for how beautifully you've changed my life I'll make sure you know just how much you're loved each and every day." I feel tears well up in my eyes and a couple stream down my face. Before I can wipe them off Suga does it for me.

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