Chapter 22: Hotel room

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"We should get going before it snows" I say as I hand Suga my spare helmet.

"Yeah, we should hurry."

A lot has happened since the qualifiers, there have been training camps and a lot of late nights. More importantly I began packing to move back to Tokyo. I start my training with the Japan team as soon as the new year hits. I will get to graduate at Karasuno, but after that I'll be in an apartment in Japan.

Telling Suga was one of the hardest things. He was extremely understanding which made it about ten times harder. He's thinking about going to college in Tokyo near me, but I made sure he knew I didn't want him doing anything he didn't want to because of me.

Suga wraps his arms around my waist and I start to drive off. The drive was normal and relaxing as usual with the night sky setting a calm tone.

It may be cold but there's no snow so I'm taking advantage of it and driving Suga to the nationals. We decided to leave a day early so we can spend some more time together before I leave.

Snow starts to fall. Lightly at first but it quickly becomes dense and difficult for me to see.

"Hey Suga how far do the snow clouds extend?"

"I can't see the end of them the way we're going."

"What way are the trees blowing?"

" Same way we're going."

"Dark blanket looking clouds or puffy dark clouds?"

"Uhhh both but more like a blanket I suppose."

"I'm going to need to stop at the next exit or else we'll get caught in the storm." I say just slightly too late as the sound of thunder cracks through the sky and the snow somehow gets even more abundant and dense.

"Shit." I keep going waiting for my chance of an exit the. Fucking hell. I can barely see it's snowing so hard. I flip the eye shield to my helmet and squint my eyes as I finally come to an exit and quickly stop at the first hotel I see. The wind is hard and the snows going strong which means this is probably an all nighter storm.

Suga and I run into the hotel covered from head to toe in snow.

"We'll have to stay here for the night, there's no way I can drive in that weather."

"Okay, I'll pay for the room."

"No no no I'm the one that's responsible for transportation I'll get the room."

"I'm getting the room y/n, please." Suga says with pouting eyes.

"Fine, but I'm getting breakfast."


Suga walks up to ask for a room for the two of us and then leads me to where our room is.

"Hurry and take your clothes off and take a shower." Suga says as soon as we enter the room.

"What about you?"

"I'm going to take my clothes off and dry off then I'll jump in the shower when you come out."

"Okay." I rush into the washroom and hang my cold and now soaking wet clothes and start a hot shower. That feels so much better then the cold snow. I make sure to take a quick shower and dry off fast. Shit what am I going to wear? My bag is in the room and my clothes are no. Umm oh I know! There should be like a complementary robe around here somewhere hmm... There it is! I toss on the soft white robe and tie it shut and walk out of the washroom.

"Hey Kōshi the bathroom's fr-" I stop mid sentence as I see in nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. My face blushes red and I dive into the big bed face down.

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