Chapter 6: Staying home

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I finish eating my beef stew feeling slightly better now that I've had an actual meal. I set the down at the edge of my bed and try and stand up. I feel my legs wobble and I fall onto my knees. Suddenly Suga and Daichi run in to see what's happened.

"Y/n you shouldn't be trying to get up." Daichi says as he helps me back into bed and Suga grabs the empty tray.

" Do you need anything else y/n?" Suga says with a concerned look.

"A glass of water please." I say as I wrap myself back up in the covers. He nods and exits the room right behind Daichi.

Suga comes back in with my glass of water.

"Here you go, it's getting late so you should try and get some more sleep. Daichi said he'd pick up your school work tomorrow so don't worry about waking up early and just rest okay?" Suga says while passing me my water and readjusted and fluffing my pillows. This makes me giggle a little at how caring he's being and he just smiles back at me.

"You feeling any better?" He says while pushing hair out of my face.

"A little yeah. Thank you for all your help today, I'm sorry I was such an inconvenience to you." I say while facing away from Suga.

"Don't worry about that you weren't an inconvenience I'm happy to help. Just worry about getting better, I'd still like to take you out sometime soon you know." Suga says with a smile and a laugh. I blush at hearing his words.

"O-okay." I say looking back up at him. Suga ruffles my hair and turns off the light as he exits my room. I take a sip of my water and place it on my night stand. I open the bottom cabinet of my night stand which contains extra clothes that don't fit in my closet. I grab an oversized T-shirt that fit me like a dress. I slowly take off my school uniform and bra while still in bed and toss on the long T-shirt. I toss my school uniform into the far corner of my room. out of sight out of mind right?
I snuggle up into my blankets and let myself drift to sleep.

I wake up to the sound of clanking coming from the kitchen. Damn Daichi waking me up in the middle of the night for water. I slowly get up to go to the washroom. I lean my weight on the walls as I walk out of my room. I pass the bathroom to go to the kitchen to give Daichi a scolding about keeping it down.

"Daichi have you ever heard of the word quiet?"
I whisper loudly even though there's no one else in the house. I turn the corner and open my eyes only to see Suga with a glass of water and piece of toast in his mouth. My eyes widen and I gasp. Why is he still here?! Omg I just talked to him as if he were Daichi! Wait how long is the T-shirt actually? Omg maybe I should hold it down more? No you're fine just don't turn around.

"Oh no I'm so sorry did I wake you y/n?" Suga whispers with a look of concern on his face.

"Umm uh no, not at all I uh, just got up to go to the washroom and I uh thought Daichi was in here." I'm a fool who stumbles over their own words. I am going to throw myself into a pit of lava I swear.

"Okay good, do you need me to help walk you there or back to your bed?" Suga says while putting down the toast and glass of water.

"No! Uh I mean I'm no I'm okay really I've got it." I say my face flushing red knowing full well there is absolutely no way I can turn around.

"Oh okay be careful then." Suga whispers. I nod in response and slowly start walking backwards until I reach the washroom. Ugh Daichi must've asked him to stay the night! This is so embarrassing! I can't believe that just happened.  I use the washroom then slowly make my way back to my bedroom. I snuggle back up in bed and fall back asleep.

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