Chapter 36: Third Party

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, just a little nervous."

"Don't worry, let's go over the work together." He said and took out his own copy.

We had barely rehearsed for two minutes when our biology teacher walked in.

"Good morning class. I'm sorry I'm late. Can we begin?"

I looked at Jayson and he gave me a look that said,"Relax, everything is going to be fine"

I nodded and faced the front of the class as the first pair stood up to present.

Jayson and I were the last pair,I don't know whether Mr Brooklyn did it intentionally or not but I was anxious the whole time until it got to our turn

"Jayson and Kayra, you're next and you're also our last pair. Good luck"

We stood at the front of the class and a few people made aww-ing and cooing sounds at us because well,we were a couple. That just made me even more nervous but I looked at Jayson and he nodded at me. I took in a breath and sighed.

"Hello everyone. I'm Kayra and he is Jayson. We're here to deliver our presentation on frogs",I began

"Frogs are species which belong to the kingdom Animalia and the phylum Chordata,under which they are in the class Amphibia."

I spoke about the body of the frog,it's parts and it's adaptation to it's habitat. Jayson continued with the life processes of frogs: reproduction, movement, gaseous exchange and the others. All in all,our delivery was smooth and we received applauds when we were done.

"Okay, since everyone has presented,I would just like to say something little about frogs and toads. Your grades on this project will be pasted on the class notice board next week",Mr Brooklyn spent the rest of the lesson summarizing and I was very very glad when the lunch bell rang.

I took my backpack and left the class when I noticed Jayson was following me.

"What are you doing?" I raised an eyebrow

"Going for lunch"

"So why are you following me?"

"I'm going to sit with you at your table"

Oh wow



I was amused at his sudden change of behavior but I didn't say anything about it, "Fine then. Let's go"

Stephanie's eyes widened and looked like they were about to bulge out  of their sockets when she saw me walking into the cafeteria with Jayson. Not only her, everyone had a similar expression on their faces.

Once again,I'm the center of attention of the whole school, great!

Note the sarcasm

"Whoa, Jayson, you're sitting with us today?" Stephanie asked when we got to the table

"That's right Stephanie."

"Nice nice, you're welcome to join us anytime."

I rolled my eyes and put my lunch tray down and taking my seat. Jayson didn't take anything. According to him,he doesn't like the school food and he's not hungry.

"So why did you decide to sit with us today?" Stephanie asked again.

"Why? Can I not sit on the same lunch table as my girlfriend?" He replied and my cheeks took that as a cue to paint themselves red again.

"No no,you can. I mean,she's your girlfriend."

I glared at Stephanie and she shot me a "What?!" before giggling.

"Anyway,what's up Stephanie?" I asked to change the subject

"Oh I'm good. Class was okay,I guess."


"Are you guys going for homecoming?"

Our school's football team won the state football league again so the school celebrating them with yet another homecoming.

I looked at Jayson,he didn't say anything so I did.

"I don't know...."

"Well,you should. You guys should go together, it'll be really nice."

"What about you? Are you going?"


Shocker! Stephanie Cole isn't going to homecoming? She never misses things like this.

"Why not?"

"I don't have a date."

She misses Gale. I can see it. She would have gone with him if circumstances hadn't led to their breakup.

"That's okay. You can come with us. That's if its okay with....." I looked at Jayson one more time because he hadn't said whether he would go or not.

"Oh yeah,you can come with us to homecoming Stephanie." He said when he met my eyes and I released a breath.

"But I don't wanna be a third party"

"Don't be ridiculous Steph. You're not going to be any third party. You're coming with us okay?"

She smiled and it slowly turned into a grin as she nodded, "Okay."


"Um,I have to go now." Jayson said and got up.

"Where are you going? The bell will ring any moment from now",I said

"I have something urgent to do. I'll talk to you later."

Before I could say anything,he added,"Love you babe"


Wait,he just said he loves me!!

Stephanie started making cooing noises,"Jayson's really cool",she giggled and I glared at her while trying to calm my nerves which had gone haywire down.

Before I could even process anything,the bell rang and my body acted on it's own impulse by getting up and moving to the trash can to drop the remains of my food and get to class


Yes yes,I know it's early for him to say the l-word but no one can control love,it happens at it's own pace, right?🤭🤭

Anyway,I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Don't forget to vote, comment and share

Thanks for reading

Love y'all


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