Chapter 34: Mrs Bradshaw

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The next morning,I woke up with smiles all over my face. I dreamt a really beautiful dream and it already put me in a good mood for the rest of the day.

I freshened up quickly and went downstairs for breakfast. Mom was around so I greeted her before making myself a cup of tea with some cookies. When I was done eating,I washed my mug and saucer and placed them where they were supposed to be.

"Bye Mom",I said to her before leaving the house. On my way out,I heard her say,"Have a great day",so I shouted back a "Thanks,you too".

Just as I was about to open the front seat door, Jayson came out of his house with his helmet. He sat on his motorcycle and looked in the direction of my house before he saw me.

He mouthed a "hey" and smiled.

Just that made my cheeks heat up. I smiled back and used my hair to cover my face and quickly got into the car. He waited for me to reverse out of the driveway and drive off before I saw him from the mirror put on his helmet and step on the pedal.

I got to Stephanie's house not long after. She was waiting for me on the porch so I didn't have to honk or call her.

Immediately she entered the car,she screamed and I had to cover my ears.

"Steph,Steph stop screaming",I said before she finally kept quiet and muttered a sorry.

"So,you and Jayson,huh. I told you it would happen."

"Yes yes you did. Now can you please buckle up so I can drive us to school."

"Yes Mrs Bradshaw",she teased

"Mrs Bradshaw? Seriously Stephanie"

"What? Drive!",she laughed and I shook my head.


"Well,I guess I'll see you at lunch then", Stephanie said after homeroom when we walked with me to my locker.

"Yeah,too bad we don't have any classes together today until after lunch."

"But look on the bright side."


"You have biology this morning,practicals too",she nudged me and I very well knew what she was talking about.

I'm going to see him again, I'm going to talk to him again. That made me nervous as fuck. It's going to be really awkward!!

"Yes yes I know, it's not a big deal."

"Oh really,if you say so",she sang and walked off to her locker leaving me to go to biology class and dissect frogs with the bad boy of North Hills high who also happened to be the boy who declared his feelings to me barely 24 hours ago.

I took a deep breath and walked into the classroom. Mr Brooklyn was not in yet but to my surprise, Jayson was and he was setting up the materials and equipment needed at our workstation.

I walked over and dropped my bag and put on my labcoat. He saw me and was the first to speak.



"You brought the report book right?"

"Yes it's in my backpack."


"All the materials set?"

"Yeah,all that's left is the frog."

"You can go get it, thanks."

He laughed. We both knew I didn't like frogs and I made it clear everytime we were doing practicals.

They're just so..... ew

"Okay,I'll be right back."

So that didn't go as bad as I thought

He went to take the frog and I took out the report book. He can do all the work,I'll just do the writing.

He was back in less than a minute and I cringed a little at the sight of the dead animal.

"Should we begin before Mr Brooklyn gets here?"



Biology went well, there were no obstructions whatsoever except for the few times I felt like I was gonna puke from seeing the gooey and disgusting insides of the frog but I didn't so it was all good. The presentation was at the end of the week which means it was our last practical session on dissection of frogs.

During lunch,I met Stephanie at our table,she asked about the class and I told her it was good. She also told me how her French class went.

"Monsieur Pierre gave us a surprise test. It was so difficult. I didn't understand anything that was on the paper but I still did my best anyway. I'm just hoping I don't get an F."

"Oh come on. I know you won't. And I know you're just exaggerating. You've taken French since freshmen year,and you've never failed before so quit whining."

She giggled,"You're right. I did understand whatever I wrote. The test was difficult though but I'm pretty sure I'm gonna pass." She popped and fry into her mouth and I laughed and shook my head.

I didn't see Jayson for the rest of the day until after school when I was putting my books in my locker.

"Hey Kayra",I heard his voice and it gave me goosebumps

I turned,"Hey, what's up?"

"You'll come to my place, won't you?"

I rolled my eyes in my head.

"Yes, I'll come to your house."


I smiled and he smiled back and it was getting awkward that we were just smiling at each other and not saying anything. I wasn't used to seeing him show any emotions,he was always wearing a straight face so I still had to get used to seeing him smile at me.

"Okay then,I'll see you later."


"Drive safe."

"You too"

"I ride",he deadpanned and laughed before walking past me and leaving the school.

Gosh,his laugh is so beautiful.

I was staring at his retreating back when Audrey cleared her throat.

What does she want?!

"How may I help you?" I asked her with a little frown on my face.

"Oh I was just making my way out of the school when I happened to notice you talking to Jayson."

"Okay so?"

"Well, I guess I was right about you sleeping around after all."

"Oh please,why do you always think everyone is like you who goes about opening her legs to everyone and everything in trousers?"

"Watch your mouth girl"

"Oh should I? So you can continue speaking trash? I was speaking with Jayson and so what? How does it concern you? Or you wish he was speaking to you instead. No wait,I know,you wish he was sleeping with you, don't you? That's why you're here assuming he's doing it with me and getting all jealous. But you know what,I don't even have time for you, think whatever you want. You can even go and fuck yourself for all I care. Just don't try getting on my nerves again,or else...."

"Or else what?" Wow,she ignored everything I said,just like that. Was she that guilty?

"Hey hey hey, what's going on here?" That was Stephanie,she was here so we could go home.

"Nothing Steph. Let's go,we don't need to say anything else to her."

With that, I held Stephanie's hand and pulled her out to the parking lot.


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