Chapter 48- Murderers

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**trigger warning. The end of this chapter maybe be very upsetting for some readers**

While the rest of the world celebrated the death of Lord Voldemort, Sabrina couldn't, because she alone knew for certain, that he would return.
She was desperate to reveal Voldemort's Horcrux to the world, to prove that he wasn't dead.
But she knew that she couldn't.
The Horcrux was her problem and no one elses, so she didn't want anyone else getting involved.
Even though she knew that Voldemort was not dead, she was still pleased that he was gone for the time being.
With him gone, death eaters were being rounded up and sent to Azkaban every single week. Except for the cowards who claimed that they had been under the Imperius Curse, so got away with their crimes.
Despite this, Sabrina was not too worried about the Ministry catching her, since she was missing, presumed dead.

Shortly after Lily and James's deaths, Alice and Frank Longbottom were tortured into insanity by a group of death eaters.
Bellatrix, Rodolphus, Rabastan, and young Barty Crouch jr were arrested for the crime, and sentenced to life in Azkaban.
Sabrina couldn't help but feel guilty, as she had been the one to introduce the young boy to the dark lord.
So any crimes he committed, were on her, since she made him a death eater.
But she was happy that Bellatrix had got what she deserved.

With the dark lord gone, and most of his followers in Azkaban, Sabrina felt brave enough to re-enter the wizarding community.
She began taking small trips into Diagon Alley, with her face partially covered.
And to her delight, no one recognised her.
Sometimes she would take Regulus with her, and other times she would go alone, leaving her son at home.
Severus thought she was being reckless. But since he was at Hogwarts most of the time, Sabrina didn't have to listen to his constant moaning.

Normally Sabrina would listen to her brother's advice.
But with Lily gone, and Severus living at Hogwarts, she had no one else to talk to.
Which is why she started venturing out, to get some human interaction, ignoring Severus's warnings.
Since she didn't have much wizarding money left, she couldn't buy much in town. But that didn't bother her, as she only went out to enjoy being around people again, and not to go on a shopping spree.
And the more times she left the house, the more comfortable she felt.

But when Sabrina began to lower her guard, and stopped being so careful, she found herself in trouble.
She had just finished browsing around Flourish and Blotts, one afternoon, by herself, when she was suddenly ambushed by a group of aurors and Ministry officials.
"Stupefy!" Yelled one of the aurors, shooting a spell straight at her.
"Protego!" Sabrina said quickly.
It had been a long time since she had been in a duel, so she was rather out of practice. Unlike the aurors, who had been rounding up death eaters for weeks, so were ready for another fight.

Realising that she couldn't defeat 5 people at once, Sabrina decided the best option was to retreat.
And since she did not want to hurt her attackers, she knew that she had to get out of Diagon Alley quickly.
"Come with us quietly Miss Snape, and no one needs to get hurt" informed one of the aurors.
Sabrina rolled her eyes and the Ministry's terrible plan, since they had attacked her first, before asking her to come with them.
"Thanks for the offer. But I'm afraid that I'm going to have to decline" replied Sabrina.
She jumped forward away from the shop so that she could disapparate.
But before she got the chance, several of the aurors leapt towards her, grabbing hold of her arm.

Since she had already started to apparate back home, Sabrina ended up taking 3 of the aurors with her.
The second they landed in her house, Sabrina felt a great pain in her left arm, which is when she realised that she had splinched herself.
She quickly dived behind her sofa, to collect herself, before confronting the aurors.
Her arm had begun to bleed quite heavily, but luckily it was not her wand arm, so she could still fight.
With no where else to run to, she knew that she was going to have to fight the aurors.
And now that there were less of them, she liked her chances better.

Without warning, Sabrina sprung up and began firing spells at the aurors.
Although she had been caught out in Diagon Alley, it only took a few minutes of fighting, for all her training to come back to her.
Sabrina had been one of the best death eaters in the dark lords army. And she could tell that the aurors weren't expecting her to be so good.
As the battle waged on, Sabrina's home began to get destroyed by stray spells, and she was beginning to feel rather weak as blood continued to pour out of her arm.
The noise that the spells were making, attracted the attention of the other person in Sabrina's house, whom she had forgotten about, until she saw his little face appear in the doorway.

When one of the aurors heard approaching footsteps, he assumed that backup was coming to help Sabrina.
So he sent a spell, without waiting to see who had entered the room.
Sabrina screamed in horror, as the spell hit Regulus, sending him flying across the room.
The little boy hit his head on the stone wall, and dropped to the floor.
The fighting momentarily stopped, as all those in the room stared at the child who laid unmoving on the floor.
His eyes were closed, and a stream of blood was flowing out of a cut on his head.

A rage filled Sabrina as she looked at her dead child.
She had not been able to get revenge on the Inferi who had killed her fiancè.
But this time she would not let the killers get away without punishment.
So without thinking clearly, she let her anger and pain consume her completely.
"Avada Kedavra!" She screamed, slaying the three men on the spot, killing them stone dead.
She turned away from them, not even bothering to watch them drop to the floor.
Instead she made her way over to Regulus, and craddled his dead body in her arms.

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