Chapter Twenty One

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Winter made her way to the Mayfield-Richard house, where she knew Ally would be waiting inside for her. Winter walked inside and found that she was right. Right in the living room, Winter spotted Ally sitting on the couch with a photo album on her lap, looking at pictures of Ashlyn. "You miss having her here, don't you?"

"I do. But your scumbag brother is keeping my poor baby hostage against her will. There has to be some way that I can get her back. She must be going out of her mind with fear right now," Ally ranted.

"At first Kai was keeping Ashlyn by his side. Yes, she feared him. But something changed about Ashlyn. It's not for the best either," Winter said.

Ally looked up from the photo album giving Winter a look of confusion. "What do you mean by that?"

"Ashlyn isn't the girl that you knew anymore. The longer she hangs around Kai, the more she changes. it's like there is a hidden person inside of Ashlyn, who is dying to be unleashed. The longer Ashlyn and Kai hang around each other, the more the secret person comes out. Not only that, but I'm sure you heard the news about Ashlyn becoming pregnant with Kai's baby," Winter stated.

"I went to the rally that Kai held for his campaign to fill the empty seat of the town council. It was there that he mentioned something to do with becoming a father. I didn't want to believe that, that sick bastard would stoop so low as to rape my daughter; and play it off like she wanted to sleep with him. Ashlyn would never go for a man like kai," Ally said while placing the photo album on the table in front of her as she stood from the couch.

"I know you want to believe that your perfect daughter would never do half of the things you're hearing about; but she did sleep with Kai of her own choice. She knew that he wasn't going to use a condom, and she still chose to sleep with him anyway. She allowed him to get her pregnant. She also got quite defensive with me, when I asked her if was a good idea to be bringing kai's baby into the world. I see every day how my brother treats people around him. Yet Ashlyn keeps insisting that she doesn't want to get rid of the baby. She keeps saying that the baby should not be punished for what its father does. I just wish she would see that the father of her unborn child is a no-good man, who has some serious anger issues. But every time I try to tell her, she refuses to listen to me," Winter said. "Maybe you could drop by the house and talk some sense into Ashlyn? She's bound to listen to what you have to say. You ae her mother figure; and she wouldn't want to do anything to disappoint you."

"First let me correct you. I'm not Ashlyn's other figure. I am her mother. I raised her, fed her, purchased new clothes for her. I was there for her when she was scared, hurt, sick, sad. I gave her everything she needed. I made sure that she got a good education. I also have been the one to show her unconditional love. That right there is proof that I am Ashlyn's mother. Second, how on earth do you expect me to get anywhere near Ashlyn to talk to her, if your brother has the need to keep her guarded all the time," Ally asked.

"There is a way. But you would have to swallow your pride, play nice with Kai and join him and his cause that he claims is highly important," Winter said causing Ally to stumble back onto the couch. Winter saw how uncomfortable Ally was with the idea, so she decided to try to lighten it up a bit. "I know that this is tough for you; and Kai stands for everything that you are highly against, but it's the only way that you could see and speak to Ashlyn in private. Besides maybe Kai will lighten up with you around, since you are the mother of his girlfriend. He would want to get on your good side if he wants you to approve of him."

"Not helping much Winter," Ally snapped.

"Sorry. Look I'll give you a few days to play with the idea. But don't wait too long to get back to me on this. Remember the longer Ashlyn hangs around Kai, the more like him she will become," Winter warned.

"I know why Kai is doing this. Why he targeted my daughter the way that he did. It's because he knows the truth about Ashlyn's father," Ally said.

Winter gave Ally a confused look. "What do you mean by Kai knows who Ashlyn's father is? The last time I checked you were married to a woman. How does that make Ivy, Ashlyn's father?"

"I'm not talking about Ivy being Ashlyn's father. Ivy is Ashlyn's other mother. Anyway, I found out about Ashlyn's real parents. Naturally I was able to find out about Ashlyn's biological father, then it doesn't surprise me that Kai managed to find out about him as well," Ally said.

"Please do enlighten me as to who Ashlyn's biological father is," Winter asked.

"It's the Shadow stalker. The moment that his wife had found out that he was responsible for multiple unsolved murders, the wife made the tough decision to give her new born daughter up; to keep her safe from her husband," Ally explained.

"Tell me that you are freaking shitting me right now," Winter said before seeing that Ally wasn't cracking a smile. "Oh my god. You are being serious about this. Kai was always obsessed with the Shadow Stalker since he was old enough to do research that kind of thing. He would spend hours researching every little detail about the man. When Kai came across the detail that the Shadow Stalker had a daughter, he searched all day and night, until he learned that the baby girl had suddenly disappeared off the face of the earth. Kai never gave up though. He always insisted that there was a way to track down the Shadow Stalker's daughter. He even took the time to figure out how old she would be now. Funny how I would come in contact with the very girl that Kai had been searching for ever since he heard about the Shadow Stalker."

"Did you know anything of Ashlyn's past when you decided to friend her," Ally asked.

"No. I actually bumped into Ashlyn by accident. She was so nice about it and we got to talking a bit. It was then that we both realized how much we had in common with one another; and It was an instant friendship between us. Ashlyn never spoke about being adopted to anyone. I honestly don't think Ashlyn even bothered mentioning anything about wanting to know who her real parents were. She always spoke highly of her two mothers and little brother. But not once did she mention you guys by name. I never could figure out the reasoning behind it. Funny how we are not part of each other's lives," Winter said.

"Ashlyn always did what she could to protect Oz's privacy. Which is why she rarely spoke about us; let alone mention our names," Ally explained.

"That does explain a lot. But like I said before, Kai does not stop until he gets what he wants. and if he found out that you have a connection to Ashlyn, which we know he does, then he will use it to his advantage. Now you see why I need you to agree to become part of Kai's little circus? Because I strongly feel that you are the only one who can get through to Ashlyn now. If you can manage to get through to her, then we can get her away from Kai for good, before the baby is born," Winter said.

"Give me some time to think about it. I'll get back to you with my answer as soon as possible," Ally said before getting up again and making her way up the stairs to her bedroom.

Winter turned and spotted Oz standing there before her. "Oz, I didn't hear you enter the room. How long were you standing there for?"

"Is my sister in danger," Oz asked.

"No. Your mommy is just a bit too over protective of you and your sister. That and your mommy isn't exactly fond of the guy who your sister is dating right now," Winter explained.

"But you told mommy that the guy who is dating Ashlyn, is making her change. You said that she is turning into something bad," Oz said.

"I only said that because I couldn't think of a better word to describe what was going on with Ashlyn. Look your mommy is planning on sitting down and having a serious talk with Ashlyn. That will hopefully get her to snap out of this little fantasy that Ashlyn is living in right now," Winter said.

"What if that doesn't work," Oz said.

"We have to have a little faith in mommy, and pray that she does get through to Ashlyn," Winter said. Hopefully Ally agrees to do this. It's the only way she can get close enough to Ashlyn; and ask Kai if they could speak in private. Otherwise, we're all gonna be done for, Winter thought to herself. 

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