Chapter Twenty

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Winter walked out of her room, spotting her older brother standing in the hallway looking deep in thought about something. Winter took a quick glance around to make sure that Kai or none of his followers were around, before making her way towards her older brother, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Winter, sorry I didn't expect to find you coming out of your room so soon. Did Kai and I disturb your studies," Rudy asked.

"No. I was finished with all of my homework, when I heard the fight you and Kai had together. I also heard what Ashlyn had said. She really changed a lot. She's not the same girl that I had become friends with. I feel that the longer that she and Kai hang around together, the more she will continue to change for the worst," Winter said.

"Maybe you can get Ashlyn alone and talk to her about her sudden change that she is going through," Rudy suggested.

Winter thought about it for a moment before replying back. "I could try and talk to her. But it's going to be a challenge getting her alone. Kai doesn't like Ashlyn being away from him for too long."

"Try and make u[ an excuse to talk to her in private. Even if you have to tell him that you are borrowing her for five minutes do so," Rudy said.

"I'll see what I can do. Maybe I can get her alone right now," Winter said.

"Do you have any clue as to where in the house she has gone," Rudy asked.

"Of course, I know where she went. Kai doesn't want her wandering too far from him. Where does Kai usually like to hang with his friends all the time," Winter asked.

"In the basement. Why," Rudy asked before the answer dawned on him. "Oh, never mind. Good luck in getting your friend alone, so you can talk to her."

"Thanks. I'm going to need all the luck I can get. I just hope that Kai is willing to let me get five minutes alone with Ashlyn," Winter said before walking away to make her way where Kai and Ashlyn would most likely be hanging out with the rest of Kai's group.

Winter made her way down to the basement to see if her friend was indeed down there. Sure enough Ashlyn was downstairs sitting next to Kai as he talked with one of his followers. Winter made her way down the rest of the stairs, walking straight for Kai and Ashlyn, only to have Jack step in her way blocking her way. "Can you please move out of my way, so I can go talk to my brother and friend?"

"What business do you have talking with your friend, Ashlyn? I mean you wait until now to try and make an attempt to talk to her? Why the sudden change of heart now," Jack asked.

"Every time I would make an attempt to try and talk with my friend, Kai would always have an excuse as to why I can't talk to her. I'm sick and tired of always being pushed to the side, when it comes to my friend. I would like to talk with her and catch up on everything that we have missed out on together," Winter said loudly gaining Ashlyn's attention.

Ashlyn got up making her way over towards Winter and Jack, standing behind Jack with her arms folded in front of her, glaring at him. "Is there a problem over here?"

Jack turned around spotting Ashlyn standing there glaring at him. "That's cute, thinking that you have some sort of authority to come marching over here, asking about a situation that doesn't involve you at all. Why don't you be a good little whore and take your rightful place by Kai. Don't forget now, you are only to be seen, not heard. If Kai didn't want you posing as his girlfriend and mother of his child to make him look good, you would be dead by now."

Ashlyn shook her head while laughing at Jack. "That is just so precious. You actually believe that you have a set of balls to go and talk to me like that. Oh, and let's not forget that you are an idiot to believe that, I give a flying rats ass about your opinion. Let me clarify this for you now; I don't care about what little snide comments you make. It's all a bunch of words that have no effect on me what so ever. But if you ever go to say something along those lines again to me, not only will I cut your tongue out, so you can't say something degrading again. I'll also cut your dick off and super glue your ass shut as well as your mouth, so you can't give head, or fuck anyone or be fucked. Now be a good little bitch and get the hell out of my friend's way, so that way she and I can get caught up."

Jack looked shocked but moved anyway. When Ashlyn went to walk by him, Jack quickly grabbed a hold of her arm, causing her to stop long enough so he could whisper in her ear. "I should tell Kai about your little threat you just made. I doubt he would find it funny that you would go and threaten one of his most faithful followers."

"You can go and tell Kai all that you wish to tell him. But something tells me he already knows, since he's been watching our little exchange this whole time, and he still has yet to come over here to correct my behavior," Ashlyn said. "I understand that you don't like the idea of Kai being with a woman instead of you. But if I'm being honest here, Kai was only using you to keep himself entertained until he got what he really wanted. Now that Kai has me all to himself he doesn't really need you around. The only reason why he keeps you around is because you would suck his dick in a heartbeat if he told you to do so." Ashlyn ripped her arm away from Jack, walking away from him making her way to a shocked looking Winter.

"Oh my god. I didn't think you had a mean streak in you. What on earth caused that to come out," Winter asked as she and Ashlyn began walking towards the stairs.

Ashlyn and Winter were about to start walking up the stairs, but stopped when they heard Kai speak up. "Where do the two of you think you're going?"

Winter and Ashlyn both turned to face Kai. "We were gonna go up the stairs to have a talk in private."

"Did I say that you and Ashlyn could go upstairs to talk amongst yourselves? You of all people know that I don't want Ashlyn out of my sight," Kai said in a stern tone.

"Kai, can Winter and I please go upstairs so we can talk in private, without being a distraction to you and the others? We didn't think that it would be a big deal about us going to talk," Ashlyn said.

Kai thought about it for a moment before replying back. "I'll give you ladies five minutes to talk amongst yourselves. If you go over five minutes, I will send someone up to retrieve Ashlyn and bring her back down to me."

Ashlyn and Winter wasted no time running up the stairs, so they could talk in private.

Winter led Ashlyn to her room, locking the door behind them, to make sure that none of Kai's followers could open the door and spy on them.

"What is it that you wanted to talk to me about," Ashlyn asked while turning to look at Winter.

"You have been acting really weird lately. I believe that you have been changing. It's almost as though you have been acting more and more like Kai the longer you keep spending with him. I'm concerned that you are going to turn out to be like Kai. You were never this aggressive towards anyone before. You would try to avoid fighting with someone else," Winter said hoping that she didn't say anything to offend Ashlyn.

Ashlyn rolled her eyes at Winter. "I thought you would be happy with the fact that, I'm growing a backbone to stand up for myself? Maybe I have finally grown tired of people walking all over me, or taking advantage of me, thinking that they can get away with it. I'm tired of always looking and acting so timid around everyone. I'm finally fighting back. No more am going to let everyone take advantage. I'm going to start sticking up for myself and teach that lesson to my unborn child as well."

"I don't have any issues with you sticking up for yourself, or teaching that lesson to your child. But I am asking you this; do you honestly think it's a good idea to go and have Kai's baby, Winter asked.

"I see what game you're playing at. You don't want Kai and I to welcome our little bundle of joy into the world. Newsflash Winter, you're going to become an aunt, whether you like it or not," Ashlyn said before walking to the door, unlocking it. Ashlyn was about to walk out, but stopped in her tracks looking over her shoulder at Winter. "Here's a little piece of advice for the future, Winter. If you don't like how things are going between Kai and I, then maybe it would be best to cut our ties to each other. If you are trying to be my friend, then I would just keep all negative thoughts about my child's father to yourself and try to be happy for me, even if you truly aren't happy with the fact that Kai and I are going to try this relationship thing out for our little family."

"But Ashlyn," Winter began.

"It was a nice conversation Winter. But I really should be getting back to Kai now. Hope to have another conversation with you again real soon," Ashlyn said before walking out of the room.

"Maybe I can sneak away to talk to Ally about this. She would be the one who could get through to Ashlyn. But I would have to do it on one of the nights that I babysit Oz," Winter said to herself. 

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