Chapter Three

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At the Anderson household

Kai had been typing away on his laptop when he heard the newscaster announce the new president of the United States. This caused Kai to stop what he was doing on the laptop, and get up and celebrate his victory. "YES! FUCK YOU AMERICA! Thos of you who voted against our new president can fuck yourselves and suck dick!" Kai then made his way to the kitchen, dumping cheetos into the blender, blending them into powder, before wiping them all over his face. He then made his way to Winter's room, where he spotted her sitting on her bed with a defeated look upon her face.

Winter looked up at her brother after he jumped on her bed with a huge smile on his face, scaring the shit out of her. "Jesus Kai. What the hell are you doing here? Are you here to gloat and be an asshole?"

"I told you that this would happen, Winter. But you wanted to waste your time and vote for a woman anyway. But that all doesn't matter now because it's the thing of the past. Oh must wait until my beautiful Ashlyn hears the exciting news. I have the perfect way to celebrate with her too," Kai said.

"Before you tell her anything, do you think you could be kind enough not to scare the shit out of her with how your face looks? If you want her to warm up to you, this isn't' the way to go about it," Winter said.

Kai thought about it for a moment as he made his way out of the room. He knew that Winter was right, and that if he had entered the room with cheetos on his face, it would freak Ashlyn out. Kai quickly made his way to the bathroom to wash his face off, before making is way to his room, where he kept Ashlyn locked away. He watched as she sat on the bed, listening to the replay of the announcement. "I'm glad you didn't miss out on the exciting news. Do you know what this means?"

Ashlyn looked at Kai in fear and confusion mixed together. "That you're going to let me go back home to be with my family, now that you got what you wanted?"

"How cute of you to think that you would get a chance to go back home to your family. But also very stupid as well. I have you here with me for a reason. I need you by my side. I have big things planned, and I need you as my girl. Besides you have a very important part to play in my plan."

"What do you want with me," Ashlyn asked.

"I want you to for many things. My own pleasure is one. I can't always be expected to pleasure myself by jerking off to thoughts of me ramming myself deep into your maidenhood, hearing you scream out my name in pleasure while doing so. You know the night of the debate, when Alex kept running her mouth about me needing a girl, who was willing to fuck me? I almost lost all self control that night. I almost marched my way over to you, getting ready to pleasure you. Oh thoughts of me taking you in front of all those girls; oh how they had me so damn horny," Kai explained before he felt his pants grow a bit tighter. "I guess it still does. But only thing is when I make love to you, nobody will be watching us. They will be hearing us become one together."

"If I should deny you of what you want," Ashlyn challenged.

Kai smirked. "I'll kill both your mothers and your little brother. You don't want their blood on your hands, do you my sweet Ashlyn?"

"Please don't kill them," Ashlyn begged as she cried out.

"Then you know exactly what to do in order to keep your family safe from harm," Kai said while walking over to Ashlyn, roughly grabbing her by the neck and pinning her down. Kai climbed on top of Ashlyn making sure she felt the excitement he had in his pants. "You see what you do to me baby? You do this to me all the time. How are you gonna help me get rid of this? Wait don't answer that. I already know what you can do to help me get rid of my problem right now. You can help me by jerking me off." Kai took Ashlyn's hand, guiding it in his pants and boxers, before he wrapped her hand around his dick, guiding it up and down helping her get started. "Oh god year. I knew there was a strong connection between the both of us. This is proof right here. Can you feel it through my touch baby?"

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