Chapter Twenty Two

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Ashlyn was sitting on the couch thinking about what Winter had said to her, about whether Ashlyn truly thought it was a good idea to give birth to Kai's baby. Of course, Winter would go and try to plant seeds of doubt in my head. She admitted to me once before that she doesn't like kids. Though I'm still quite shocked that Winter decided to go for a baby-sitting gig. Whatever, it's none of my business what Winter does. If she wants to be a baby-sitter that is completely up to her. Besides, I really shouldn't allow her to try and sway my decision to give birth to my little bundle of joy. It's my body. If I want to have a baby with Kai, then I will. This baby will be loved very much, Ashlyn thought to herself before hearing a knock on the door. "Kai, someone is at the door."

Kai came up the stairs making his way to the door with Ashlyn following behind. Kai swung the door open and spotted someone dressed formally standing there. "Is there something I can do for you?"

"Yes, is this the Anderson residence? I'm looking for a Mr. Kai Anderson," the man said.

"This is the Anderson residence, and I'm Kai. What can I do for you," Kai asked.

"I'm here to congratulate you on winning the chair of the community council," the man said causing Kai to smirk.

"I won! Oh my god! I won," Kai said before turning to look at Ashlyn. "Baby, did you hear the good news? I won!"

"I heard the good news Kai. You have been wanting this for quite a bit of time. You even were beginning to get a bit grumpy, when you weren't getting any results," Ashlyn said.

"I was getting a bit scared for our unborn child's future. I don't trust someone else to fill that seat to make the community a safer place. I would have packed us up, and found somewhere safer for our unborn child to be born and live," Kai said.

"No need to go to those extremes Mr. Anderson. We took into consideration that you are a concerned father to be; wanting to be sure that your baby is born in a safe community."

"I'll be sure that this place is safe for all," Kai said.

"Well, I'll leave the two of you to celebrate this wonderful news together. Have a good day," The man said before walking away.

Ashlyn waited until Kai closed the door before speaking up. "So, how did you manage to secure yourself a win?"

"I may have gone and paid the competition a little visit. We had quite a wonderful conversation," Kai said.

"You killed her didn't you," Ashlyn asked.

"I had to do something to secure my seat. I wasn't going to take chances of losing to that woman who would have cost us everything that we are working so hard to gain," Kai said.

"You mean you. You are the one who has a cult running around, killing people like it's nobody's business. If you don't like how things are going, you and your goddamn cult kill people until you're satisfied," Ashlyn said.

"Just think about it this way, Ashlyn. We are one step closer to gaining control of the world. People will treat us like royalty. Never again would we have to worry about someone out to do something stupid to betray us. That and our little bundle of joy will have everything it wants and it will be safe. Nobody would be stupid to cross me," Kai said as he and Ashlyn made it back into the living room.

"That's the thing Kai. There will always be someone who is out to take you down. You promise a safe life with no worries. I can't help but to think that is a load of shit. There is no guarantee for such a life, because there will always be someone out there waiting to take you down," Ashlyn said.

Kai slapped Ashlyn causing her to fall to the couch, before he climbed on top of her, pinning her down on the couch with his one hand on her throat. "You dare to doubt that I will keep you and our child safe from our enemies? You dare think that I will fail in my quest to be a great leader?"

Ashlyn struggled to get Kai off of her, before giving up realizing that it was useless. "I have no enemies. Any enemies you have are yours alone. You have been the one going around pissing people off. If our child is in danger it's because of you."

"Oh, don't you dare go and act like this is something that I have done alone. Yes, I may have gone and pissed off my fair share of people. But people are also beginning to realize that the truth about who you are. Do you not think that they are not pissed off about who you're related to," Kai snapped at Ashlyn.

"Are you talking about the people who are homophobic and can't accept that gays are our equals now? Because if that is what you are talking about, then let them be pissed off. I wouldn't have my family any other way. I enjoy having two mothers. They both have taught me so many wonderful things. They also love me for me; and they won't stop supporting me in anything that I want to do. Before you go and mention anything about a male figure being part of my life, I don't want to hear it. Maybe it was meant to be that I was adopted by my mothers. I love them both very much," Ashlyn snapped back.

"Would you still love them if you were to learn about their little secrets? Better yet, would they still love you the same, if they were to learn that you are the only child of the shadow stalker," Kai said shocking Ashlyn. "Oh, don't look so surprised baby. Your real father was a serial killer. You have his blood flowing through your veins. "Did you ever stop to think that, you might wind up following in daddy's footsteps? You have what it takes. You only need that slight little push and you will be picking up where your dad left off," Kai said while easing his grip on Ashlyn's throat a little bit.

"I'm not stupid. You are trying to get me to become a serial killer, so you can rope me into joining your cult. I won't fall for that. I can't allow myself to become something that I fear would take over my life. I fear that I would be labeled a killer if people were to have found out the truth," Ashlyn said. "I knew that Ally and Ivy were hiding something. So, I went and did a little digging myself. That was how I found out about the horrible sperm donor that you so graciously call my father."

"How long have you known," Someone asked causing both Kai and Ashlyn's attention to snap in the person's directions. 

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