chapter nine

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A long corridor, rectangular bright lights hanging from the white ceiling. A silhouette standing at the end of the hallway. Closer, closer, and closer. The figure reached out an indistinct limb and a horrid sucking noise erupted from the person's? No, monster's hand. It placed a hand on his face, and then Thomas was dead. He could feel it. 

Thomas awoke, grabbing out with his hands trying to capture the monster. But he opened one eye to see a blond boy crouched over him, his warm fingertips on Thomas's forehead. His eyes were widened for a second, but then he smiled. "Nightmare?" he asked, his voice deep from sleep. Thomas nodded. 

His heart was beating abnormally fast, but he didn't know if it was from the dream or Newt. His fingertips were still on his forehead. 

Newt cleared his throat and pulled away as he realized this." So," he started, keeping eye contact with Thomas still. "Do you wanna go to my bed or stay here?" Thomas considered this, but the moonlight beat being under the tree. "Your bed."

"Alright," Newt reached out a hand to get him up. As Thomas took it, he wondered why Newt was still talking to him, after dinner. But he didn't mind. He really didn't. 

As Newt led him through the sleeping bodies, Thomas focused on the boy's hair. It was messed up, cowlicks popping up. It shone in the moonlight, causing it to be a platinum blond.

The two were nearing the wall. But Newt decided to take a detour. He turned right where they were supposed to turn left.

"Where-" Thomas started but Newt put a hand up. Thomas furrowed his eyebrows. Where else were they going? The snoring of the boys became more distant as they reached a huge willow tree on the right side of the square. Two walls intersected here, creating a corner. Newt sat down,  so Thomas rest his back against the corner and put his arms on his knees. Thomas had never seen this, even though he'd only been here for two days, it fascinated him how the moonlight on the tree produced shadows on the grass, softly moving across the blades. 

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Newt spoke from beside him. "But we both know that isn't the real reason I brought you here." Thomas turned to meet his eyes. Newt chewed the inside of his cheek. What was he going to tell Thomas?

The boy took a deep breath and started talking.

AN: thanks for all the reads on this! I didn't think there would be a lot since this is my first story, but thank you all for the support! remember, vote and comment on your favorite chapters! also check out my short story if you want a quick read. anyways, bye

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