chapter five

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After Chuck's snoring faded away, and the breaths of everyone around him became steady and deep, he finally got up.
That wasn't an easy task. Chuck was on his left, facing him. Thomas decided to just go for it. So he nimbly got up on all fours first, then on his knees, then to his feet.
Thomas made his way through the unconscious bodies, trying not to step on elbows or outstretched feet.
At last, he made it to the corner. As he got closer, his eyes still adjusting to the night, he saw dark green vines snaking their way up towards the starry night sky. No one was sleeping nearby, so he didn't have to be especially careful.
Thomas crouched down,  trying not to scare the boy. His face was relaxed as he lay on his back, his arms behind his neck. The moonlight illuminated his features, and his chest rose steadily.
He lightly tapped the boy on the arm, but he didn't show any signs of acknowledging Thomas.
But still, he tried again, but this time on the shoulder. "Hey, Newt," Thomas muttered.
The boy's eyes flew open, and landed on Thomas. He visibly relaxed. He groaned as he sat up, leaning against the wall.
"Bloody hell, Tommy," he muttered, his accent as thick as ever. "You didn't have to scare me like that,"
Thomas grinned as he joined Newt against the wall. The vines hugged his back as he looked at Newt.
His blond hair was messed up from sleeping, and Thomas fought the urge to touch it.
"So, Tommy, what did you come here for?" Newt started, his head tilted so he could look at the sky.
Thomas didn't really have an answer. Why did he come to meet Newt? "I don't know, I just wanted to talk to you." Newt looked down from the sky and smiled. "Okay, so talk to me."
Thomas felt the awkwardness, so he asked the question that no one answered for him.
"I was wondering, how do you guys get supplies?"
As Newt responded, Thomas was more focused on the boy's voice. If Thomas could hear one voice forever, it would be Newt's.
The two continued to talk, until the sky began to noticeably get brighter.
Thomas felt a semi-familiar rumble. The doors were opening. His first day in the Glade was over.

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