Chapter 4

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 Kelvin stood behind the door, hiding from the security guard. He had scale through the two main doors but getting pass  this last one seemed like mission impossible, this  hot Thursday afternoon.
Most people would think that sneaking out of the Shelter in broad daylight was stupid and very risky, but it was actually a very smart thing to do. Thursday was a resting day for literally everyone in the POTENCE HOUSE
especially when it was past noon.

He was usually not the sneaky type,  but he would do anything to see his sister. As he was monitoring the security guard in front of him Temy tapped him on  the back. Adrenaline rushed through his veins as he turned.

" You startled me!" He let himself take a deep breath.
" What were you trying to do?"
" People might have an heart attack if you come at them like that". He  said trying to catch his breath.
" Well, I don't have to do that to a lot people".
" Seriously, don't do that to anyone".
" You still haven't answered me."
" I was trying to go out." he glanced at the security guard again, she followed his gaze.
" Why?"
"I have to check up on my sister".
" Why didn't you use the normal protocol? "
" Geez! You must have won a medal for being the best questioner".
She folded her arms and gave  him a serious look. " Okay, sorry. That process takes a very long time, and I don't have that much time. I get to see her once in a week".
" That still doesn't mean this is the right thing to do.''
" You are not going to rat me out, are you?" He looked really desperate. " Please"
" I am not allowed to give you the permission."
" Please , I'm begging you " He held his hands together.
" They won't allow you. But..." He lifted his gaze "I am allowed to escort you, that'll serve as a good excuse."
" Not so sure about that. There's no way I'm bringing you with me and I'm dead serious."
" So this is the deal , we've just installed a new and tight security system. That's why that guy is there, and he is not the only one, there's another person on the other side".
" Your point?"
" As much as I want you to see your sister, if you get caught sneaking out, you'll be in big trouble." He struck his chin and kept quiet .
" Okay fine ,but please you can't say this to anyone"
" I promise."
He followed Temy and they both went out the gate without any obstruction.

" So should I call Uber "Temy reached into her pause for her phone.
" No need, the hospital is a stone throw from here, we are walking."
" Okay"  They headed straight ahead and then took a left turn two blocks after POTENCE  HOUSE off to main Street.

"Tell me about your sister."
He turned to look at her face well
" Are you serious?"
" Yeah, why won't I be? ".
He gave a slight nod " There's really nothing much to  say about her."
" Okay, what's she into, her favourites."
He struck his chin " No one has asked me that in a while"
" So start talking, we may need to make a stop at the gift shop."
" She loves roses, her favorite color is pink and yes she loves baking"
" What a princess! How old is she?"
" She's thirteen.We used to call her Little Lily"
" Cause she loves roses, she's small and her name is Lilian".
" Yes. Very small" He smiled as he wiped off the tear drop in his eye.
She patted his shoulders. " She will be fine."
" I believe it. She was always a happy kid, vibrant and was very funny". He was not crying  " It's hard not seeing her like that anymore you know".
" I'm sorry "
" You don't need to be".
" Tell you what, let's go to the gift shop and pick up some gifts  for her. My mum told me that, when a patient is clouded with a happy atmosphere he or she heals faster".
" So you mean I've not been giving her enough gifts"
" Exactly, shower her with plenty gifts and she will be fine in no time" She chuckled.

     They stopped at the gift shop and bought her a pink bracelet, then they went to the flower shop and bought her Bella Rosa, and some pink lilies. They finally arrived at the hospital with a basket of happiness. The nurse was doing some checks on her when they entered.

    At the hospital, Lilian was sitting up in her bed while her nurse doing some checks on her. The nurse left as soon as Kelvin and Temy arrived.
  " Is that a Bella Rosa? " Temy placed the basket on the table beside Lillian's bed.
" Yes it is" Kelvin watched her face pop with excitement, he could not believe his eyes she had not been this excited about anything in the longest time.
" They are so beautiful, thanks Kel"
" You're welcome Lily" she was a little thinner than she was the last time, but her face wasn't all  pale .
" You look good"  she was too excited to notice Temy or answer her brother.
" What's in here?" She held the bracelet box. Kelvin took it from her.
" Seriously, you look good."
" What's inside the box Kel."
"Lily, you are not answering me, and you didn't greet your guest"
She turned and saw Temy who was just smiling.
" Hi " She looked at brother, then she looked back at Temy.
"Hello. I am Temitope , you can call me Temy" Temy shook her hand, the one without the IV drip in it. Lillian's  hand felt very small in hers.
" I am Lilian". She held one Bella Rosa in her hand and sniffed it.
" It smells nice, I love my flowers Kel, thanks".
" How are you feeling?"
" Asides from the nausea,
headache, and the sickness I'm good" He searched her eyes with concern. " Who is she? " She  pointed at  Temy .
" She's my supervisor from the shelter"
" So they sent you here with a spy huh?" She frowned.
Kelvin stared at her and looked back at Temy, he didn't know  what to say.
" No she's not a spy, she actually got you these flowers".
" But they sent her along with you". This time around he was speechless, Temy had to step in.
" What your  brother meant to say was that, I am his friend and supervisor. I am here because, I wanted to pay you a visit".
" Then why didn't you introduce her as your friend" She turned to her brother.
" Yes Kelvin, are we not friends. Very bad of you. Offence taken" She shook her head as she smiled mischievously.
He scratched his hair.
" If you told her about me that means she's definitely close to you". He stared at them . " Is she your girlfriend"
" What! No " He answered fast.
" She  is my friend, a very nice and caring infact, but she is not girlfriend" He made his point clear.
" Calm down bro, I was just teasing you" She laughed softly " I knew you wouldn't bring someone who is not a friend here, plus you don't have a girlfriend, you are too weird for that"
Temy could not help herself, she busted in laughter. He watched the two make fun of him .
" I see you are both getting along pretty well. I will be in the doctor's office ".
" Wait" Lily motioned at his hand " My box, what's in it"
He moved closer and handed it over to her. " Open it "

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