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I felt powerless as I was forcibly pushed towards my death.

"Presenting Princess Athanasia de Alger Obelia"

There, I stood in front of a great crowd, cursing at me.


"How dare you try to harm the first princess!"

"You were just jealous of your sister!"

What did I ever do to deserve this?

When did this all start?

Everything is happening again, for the second time.

As these questions lingered in my mind, I saw daddy sitting beside Jenette.

I cared for both of them, but they didn't trust me.

Why is this happening again? Where is Lucas?

I can't blame daddy because he lost his memories trying to save me and now I'm being punished.

My body shivered when I saw Jenette's satisfied smile.

I was filled with confusion. Jenette couldn't have possibly planned this, right? She's supposed to be pure and innocent.

Where was Izekiel? Why isn't he with Jenette?

"Princess Athanasia will be stripped off of her title and will be executed as punishment for attempting to murder Princess Jenette." The guard announced.

The crowd started to boo and threw things at me, although I didn't really feel anything.

Nothing hurt more than being unable to do anything and being executed by my daddy.

My body became numb and I wasn't able to feel anything. I've been broken for the past few days.

Still... I was grateful to have made happy memories with daddy, even if it was only for a bit.

He was the first person I called "dad".

I managed to smile at his expressionless face one last time before someone tied a rope around my neck.

Tears streamed down my already stained face as I struggled for air.

Only a few seconds now and all this pain will go away.

In my last moments my vision became blurry.

I have to get justice.

Should I just move on?

No! I didn't deserve this!

But if I let it go... I will finally get rest.


I swear I will definitely get my revenge!


AUTHOR'S NOTE (December 2020)

Hello guys! Thank you for checking out my very first fanfic *Party noises*

I really hope you enjoyed it💖

Please support me on my journey of being a writer🙌🏻

BTW, how are you all doing?

About the Fanfic: I started writing this around the time when Claude was still asleep. So I won't be including details from the chapters after that. Maybe I will include the characters that appeared on later chapters though *ehem ehem his brother*. So it will be as if some of those updates from Spoon never happened. Stick around to find out how this story will unfold!❤️

2024 A/N: As of now, I'm using artworks I got from pinterest. However, I would be happy to include my readers' artworks (esp inspired by my story) just message me! :))

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