Drifter's Guardians

Start from the beginning

His abilities with siva
The most intresting thing about him is that well siva can consume and Technology and replicate it like a symbiote one of the hunters said so if Fukusei-2 where to touch any technology he would implanted it into his body allowing him to use it like nothing

He can extend his limbs to give better movement or to drag someone close

What's worse is thar he can control siva like a puppet and Any Siva infected Creatures Can Be under his control one of my spys seen it in action they tracked down Fukusei-2 infecting a Vex minotaur which it slow stood up fukusei then pointed to Fallen captain soon minotaur attacked Captain killing it then fukusei absorb the vex minotaur cannon and kills it as well

His weapons
Known to carry the drifter gang handcannon on his hip, ikeos shotgun, custom double barrel heavy machine gun

His appeared without armor
This exo stands at 7'6 ft tall due to him absorbing technology and fusing it with himself, his Metal skin is black felix Carbon like fiber which is smooth. His arms are Permanently siva infused Syntoceps but the have claw like hands there feet also have claws there mouth has metal teeth his eyes permanent red, he also 2 curve horns in front like actual devil and a Tail Similar to that of robotic tendril found on harpy

His personality
It seems to be warped by siva one minute hes sweet, kind open minded man but next he becomes brutal, hot headed, easily Annoyed this is also siva fault not his

Soon the files ends with rest still unknown due to them sticking to the shadows as Fukusei made tsk sound "The vanguard doesn't even know why i never return to the tower reason i would be shot on sight" fukusei sighs heavily as the smartass yet cheerie voice spoke "ooo ooo me next Big D" difter nods reads

File 8-2 Pirate Hunter

Little is known why this hunter decided to join fallen group and create his own house they call Kell of the Hunt rumors say he defeated a rouge House of kell and took his mantle creating House of Hunt where they hunt down both darkness and light a...

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Little is known why this hunter decided to join fallen group and create his own house they call Kell of the Hunt rumors say he defeated a rouge House of kell and took his mantle creating House of Hunt where they hunt down both darkness and light artifacts to use in battle

Still unknown some how we cant get dirt on this hunterv its like they never showed up to tower

The hunter laughs Giggling feminine like "HEHE thats cause Some fallen dregs found me when i resurrected my ghost wanted to learn more so we both did" Difter squints "cathryn let me continue" Cathryn nodded "yes boss"

Some guess 21 mental state but shes centuries old to

She snorted as drifter sughs she soon shuts up //female//

Cathryn smirks Grabs The warlick beside her Dick "Straight~" Drifter gags

Her ghost
A serviotr ghost shell

Shes pirate on one than more occasions shes stolen vanguard grade food and weapons

Drifter laughs hard

Her class

Any normal hunter but her arc is different

Arc- Tempest Kell
Lucky cayde bless his soul hunters spotted her using this ability against a scorn who was about to kill her Servitor she made flash of lightning happen as two cutlass Cut the scorn beast in half. So just like fukusei her arc abilities has evolve beyond normal hunters

Her appearance
//She stands at a height of 6 foot 4inch shes bit slim very flexible, she is a human with Hispanic skin color, her eyes are Green emerald color, her haur is dyke style very short but pointed at the top, her Chest is a c cup, but she does have thick butt and wide thighs//

Her arsenal
Cayde hunters spotted her carrying custom hybrid sidearm that looks like handcannon and dreg pistol, lord of wolves, A Queenbreaker bow

She also has Shield technology only arc can bring it down


//she tends to be smartass usually correcting someone but shes flirty out there very much kind to children//

She smiled wide as drifter spoke
"Last but not least toland follower"
The warlock Nodded

File 8-3 Toland Follower

Its sad to say it but a warlock has fallen prey to Hive magic and universe Just like toland he was intrested in Hive and taken the darkness was his fascination and he truly is the smartest warlock there is he has out witted ikora on multitude of t...

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Its sad to say it but a warlock has fallen prey to Hive magic and universe Just like toland he was intrested in Hive and taken the darkness was his fascination and he truly is the smartest warlock there is he has out witted ikora on multitude of times even leading her spies of his trail

His name
Thorath, Follower of Toland
Torath was Awoken warlock task with moon patrol but during the events of corta awakening hes becomes obsessed over the hive, sword logic, and Ascendant plane but during the taken king his interested peaked beyond normal

His age
25 centuries old

His gender


Hive fanatic, Toland Follower, rouge lightbearer

His ghost
Shes a hissing shell

Threw out time he spent with the hive his supers changed except stormcaller but color has changed and with drifter help hes able to summon Taken for himself

Solar- Deathsinger
Like witches he floats and can use Corruption/Poison

The Lightning is green and can Absorb energy of dead Creatures

Void- SoulStealer
Like nova warp but instead he sucks souls into his body and grows Thrall claws on his nails

Poetic, Cold, wise, Merciful


Thorn, every waking moment, Bad omen

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