Part 7

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°Time skip°

Y/n wake up early and see Jimin's angelic face is still sleeping. She is so mesmerized by the view in front of her. She decided to get ready first and surprise Jimin with a little bit of "something something" when he wakes up. After 30 minutes she notices that Jimin is awake.


Jimin wakes up with his hair looking so fluffy like a bird's nest. Then he yawns and stretches his body for a while with eyes half-opened "Morning Y/n....what day is today?"


Y/n hears Jimin's sleepy voice as she says. " *Smile* Aigoo is baby Jimin awake already *Giggle* " She bends down to the bed level where he is sitting.

"Good morning! Take a shower and wear this. It's my brother's, he went to Daegu for a tournament. Then we can have breakfast *rub his head* "

°Time skip°

He wears the clothes and soft yells to Y/n signaling her to come in the room. "Wow, it fits perfectly!"

She asks him to sit in front of her dressing table. She held his hand and said "Umm Jiminie. Can I~ do something to you~? *Play with his fingers* You know~ like have some fun maybe~ *smirk* "

Since he is so pure and innocent, Y/n decided to tease him a little. Well, Y/n can be a little cheeky sometimes.


Jimin looks at Y/n and clears his throat feeling nervous for some reason. "hmm?" He looks at Y/n with a confused expression because not really getting what she meant. But he gets an idea but the idea is naughty. He looks away then looks back at y/n and asks her softly trying to hide his nervous face. "Do what?"

" *trying to not laugh* ( should I bully him a bit hehe) Well~ you'll know when we're done~ I promise you'll like please JAGI~ ( Since he always calls me jagi why not call him back so that he agrees ! Come on Jiminie say yes, it's not even harmful! )


Jimin looks at Y/n suspiciously "come on tell me what are you gonna do?" Jimin obviously looks scared but he still gives in because he trusts Y/n.


Y/n claps her hand because of excitement "Yay~ I am not gonna tell you what it is but since you agree thank you! *Hug* Don't be scared, it won't hurt. For now, embrace the moment~" She starts her work. "A little bit of this, that a bit... and bring it up." Jimin is about to say something but she cut it off. She didn't let him talk even a bit "Almost done..... And~ last touch... Done! " Y/n actually transforms Jimin into a brand new Jimin. She planned it last night. She really hopes that Jimin will like it.

*She turns him into this*

*She turns him into this*

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Jimin looks in the mirror and smiles softly but then the smile disappears "Umm Y/n" he looks at Y/n.

Yn pov

Y/n goes down to his level holding his hand and says "Nae? Waeyo? Why do you look so sad hm?"


"I love it...but I'm... not confident about it" looks at Y/n and looks down at his lap.


Y/n cup his face with one hand and another one holding his hand and said "Jiminie don't worry, I am here for you. There's nothing to be scared of. Don't be scared to be who. you. are. This what you are. This is who Park Jimin is! Ok jagi~ *hug tightly* I'm happy you love it."

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