Who puts a mansion in the middle of the forest?

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“Why *HURK* Why do you guys seem so happy about that??” EJ tried to say without throwing up. “Slender’s the one who sent us on the mission, he’s gonna be pissed that we failed.”

“... You know, sometimes I wish you just didn’t have to be right most of the time…” Jeff huffed as Slenderman finally stopped walking.

“You children aren’t from here, are you?” A staticy voice questioned class 1-A, though it seemed like it was talking to them in their heads.

“...N-No… We’re not from here.” Iida answered hesitantly.

“Then you need to return to where you came from.” The voice said once again while the ‘Slenderman’ turned around. “And please release them, I’d prefer not to have them dead before their punishment.”

“Dead…?” Midoriya and the rest of class 1A tensed up at that. They all released the three villains, who put away their weapons right after they were free. Though EJ kinda just… lied there for a little while, but Uraraka decided to help him up since they were no longer a threat.

“Please, follow me.” The staticky voice ordered. They all followed him, some more hesitant than the rest as they did so.

“So… you don’t like heights?” Uraraka asked the man that she helped up and continued to help while they were walking.

“...No.” Was all he said as a response.

“I understand, I’m not too big on them either.” She admitted. This made EJ turn his head a bit to look at her. Even though he was wearing a mask, you could still tell that he was giving her a look that said “TF are you talking about? You’re the one who made me float in the first place!”

After a little while, he went back to looking in front of him while they all walked in silence. Though since it was so quiet, you could kind of hear Jeff and BEN whispering to each other.

“What the hell do you mean they're from an anime??” Jeff whispered to BEN.

“I mean, they’re from a goddamn anime!” BEN whispered back. “I remember watching it a long time ago! They look exactly like class 1A!”

“You’re a fucking dumb ass.” Jeff retorted. “If they’re from an anime, then how the hell did they get over here?”

“... Shut up and just keep walking…” BEN huffed as he crossed his arms, angry that he didn’t have an answer. Soon they saw a mansion in the distance.

“Holy shit! There’s a mansion!” Mina and Kaminari gasped.

“Who puts a mansion in the middle of a forest?” Kirishima questioned.

“Serial killers.” BEN answered nonchalantly, which got him a look from Jeff. “What!? It’s not like they're gonna report it to the police!”

“Doesn’t mean you should tell them!” Jeff growled. 

“Quiet.” The staticky voice hissed, making the two become dead silent. “This is where we will figure why you all are here, so please, behave.” Usually this would sound like something a parent would say to their children, though this sounded more like a threat to all of them.

Once they walked into the mansion, all eyes were on them. EJ had pushed Uraraka off of him before they went in, though she was very confused when he did so since he still looked a bit nauseous.

“Are you sure you don’t need any help-” Uraraka tried to say, but was immediately cut off by the same word as earlier, 

“No.” But this time it was a bit harsher.

“Hi t-there!” A boy with a blue mask and orange goggles jumped up at Bakugou, who just scowled as a response. “Why’s y-your hair all s-spikey?” Unfortunately, before the blond boy could answer, a girl with a black and white mask spoke.

“Slender, why are you bringing… whatever the hell they are, into the mansion??” The girl asked.

“That is none of your concern, Jane.” Slenderman answered, which ‘Jane didn’t seem to like but didn’t say anything else.

A little girl with blood dripping down her forehead walked up to Uraraka. “You remind me of my mommy.”

“O-Oh! Oh my god, are you alright-” Before Uraraka could finish, the little girl spoke again.

“My mommy never listened to me and told me that Uncle hurting me were just nightmares.” The little girl stated. “Do you want to play with me?”

“U-Um…” Uraraka didn’t know what to say. “I-I’m really sorry but I should probably f-follow them… B-But I’ll play with you l-later!”

“Hey Sally! I’ll play with you!” Another girl said, making the little girl around with a bright smile. 

“Okay!” The little girl ‘Sally’ giggled as she ran over to the women. The woman seemed normal, except for the two scars on the side of her cheeks and the clock that was in her eye. Once she noticed Uraraka staring at her, she gave a scowl, making her look away.

“Jeff, BEN, EJ, please go into my office and wait there.” Slenderman ordered as the three walked down a hall. “I have a potion in one of my rooms that will take you back to your own world.”

“T-That’s… great. Thank you.” Midoriya gave a quick bow, the rest of class 1A following his gesture. 

“B-But, why help us?” Kaminari asked, gaining a slap on the head from Jirou. “What?? I just don’t think it makes sense for him to help us!”

“I simply want you out of my universe and in your own. I don’t want to know what would happen if something went wrong.” Slenderman replied, getting understanding nods from all of the students. 

Once they all got into the room, Slenderman gave them a potion. “Drink it and in 3 minutes you will all be back in your rightful place.”

“But, what if there isn’t enough for all of us? Ribbit.” Asui asked.

“Don’t worry, I have another solution for that.” Slenderman answered in a monotone voice. After a couple of seconds, class 1A took a sip of all potion, though, Yaoyorozu was the only one who didn’t get some. After about three minutes, just like Slenderman said, they vanished.

“So, what was that other solution that you were talking about? Is it another potion?” Momo asked.

“No. Unfortunately, I do not have anymore potions that could transport you back to your universe. But, the method I have is a bit more…” Slenderman took a pause as his black tentacles formed out from his back. “...Gruesome.” Before Momo could even process the word, one of the black tentacles penetrated her heart. Slenderman ripped his tentacles out from her chest and allowed it to disappear. Momo fell to the floor with a loud THUD, but soon… she just vanished.

Word Count: 1125

A/N; I'M BACK! I know that it may seem weird that I didn't post an update first, but I was kinda too excited about posting this story part. I hope that you enjoyed this chapter, and I'll see you in the next one, BYE!

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