CRUNCH! (I think you know what that means)

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Midoriya POV--

Everyone was excited. We were learning more about how to save people! And it shouldn’t be too hard since no one except us here has quirks. But Jiro was talking about hearing the people who are training us say that we probably aren’t gonna make it…

“They don’t know what they’re talking about! We can beat some ugly giant nomus!” Hagakure huffed when Jiro explained what they had said.

“Yeah! And we have quirks! So we can easily prove them wrong!” Kirishima agreed. They all began to think of how well they would do in beating those monsters except for some of the less energetic ones, like Todoroki, Kacchan, Tokoyami, Shoji, and a few others. Though deep down, I could tell that they all were terrified, myself included. We weren’t from this world, we had no idea what happens everyday when they go outside of those walls. People probably get hurt, or even killed! What if one of us gets killed? What if-

“Are you ready yet?” Eren asked as he looked at all of them. “If we were getting attacked by titans, you wouldn’t have even a fourth of this much time.”

We all ran outside, which took a while with how heavy the gear was.

“Now, you will be practicing how to kill a titan-” Mikasa began, but was cut off by Kaminari.

“Why do we need to kill them? Can’t we just take them into custody?” He questioned, which he got smacked on the back of his head by Mikasa.

“Don’t interrupt me.”She growled. “And no, we can’t. They aren’t human, they are monsters. You can cut off their limbs, but if you don’t kill them they’ll just grow them back. So, you have to cut their nape. It’s the only way to kill a titan.”

“And you have to cut deep enough, or it won’t die.” Armin added. “You will practice by cutting into the nape of a practice dummy.”

They all nodded and began their practice. 

It took a few days, but finally they understood how to kill a titan. After about a few more days of waiting, the day came where they would fight titans. Some were excited, many didn’t really want to do it, but one thing was for sure; they were all scared. According to Mikasa, they only saw a small one when they first appeared, so that meant there were ones that were much bigger. 

“Alright, you will need to kill as many titans as possible in this region. Try not to get eaten.” Mikasa ordered. They all gave a salute, as did other soldiers, and began their mission. It was difficult and disgusting. Midoriya had already killed about three, Bakugou one-upped him by killing four, Kirishima killed about the same amount, basically everyone has killed around 3-5 titans so far. Then, something unexpected happened. Mineta was grabbed out of thin air. The other UA students were frozen, unable to cover their ears as they listened to him scream in agony. He begged for help, he screamed, he shouted, but then it all stopped after a wet, bloody CRUNCH. Then one got Aoyama, then Sero, and right before one could grab Asui, they all were sucked into another portal. 

When they went through, their titan gear was replaced with their hero outfits. But they could care less about that, they were still in shock after seeing not one, but three of their classmates get EATEN. After a few minutes they all looked around and realized that they were in a forest.

“Why are we in a forest?” Mina asked as she looked around. The trees looked to be on the verge of death, the grass was dead, and there was no sign of either a sun or moon. Before anyone could say another word though, a knife flew past Iida’s head.


A/N- Hi! In case you don't know, the next universe they are going to is the Creepypasta universe! If you don't know what creepypastas are, they are basically supernatural killers. If you don't like the idea of them going into this universe, I am terribly sorry. If you want to read my other crossover story called A Dangerous Quirk, you can find it on my account. Thank you for reading!

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