You don't know what I'm capable of

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“We come out here on patrol, in case anyone has left the walls. Though I don’t know what Captain Levi plans on doing with you guys since you’ve never been in the walls.” Eren had a thoughtful look as they drew closer to the walls.

“Well, what does he normally do?” Midoriya asked.

“Usually he just lets them off with a warning. Well, actually it’s more of a threat…” He rubbed the back of his head. “He tells them to not go outside of the walls again or the next time they do, he’ll let the titans eat them.” Midoriya shivered at the thought of being eaten by one of those monstrosities. Finally, they reached the wall and were hoisted up.

“Jaeger, make sure those kids from ‘high school’ go into the cells. Ackerman, Arlert, help Jaeger with them.”

“Yes, sir!” They took them to the cells and locked them up. 

“I wonder what Captain Levi has planned for them.” Armin muttered to Mikasa and Eren.

“Maybe he’ll make them scouts.” Mikasa said. 

“What!? He won’t just put a bunch of newbies on the field!” Eren argued. “And if he does then they’ll just get killed.”

“The fuck did you just call me, black hair!?” Bakugou shouted as his palms began to ignite. Eren turned around and glared at him.

“I called you a newbie, but I’m guessing dumb ass works better for you?” Eren now had a smug look on his face as Bakugou pounced at the cell door. He managed to grab Eren by the collar, which made Eren’s eyes widen in surprise. Mikasa and Armin drew their swords and pointed them at Bakugou.

“Bakugou, I think you should let him go…” Kirishima said, scared that they might hurt his friend.

“Tsk, fine.” He let go of Eren and backed away from the bars. Armin then lightly hit Eren on the back of the head.

“You shouldn’t fight with the prisoners Eren! You don’t even know what they’re capable of!”

“Yeah, but they don’t know what I’m capable of either.” That was the last thing that class 1-A heard before the door closed.

Word count: 356

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