Ch.5 Who's the New Twerpette?

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I wanted to have the chapter out earlier, but my AP World teacher gave us a test with midterms next week. I am so sorry. I'll try to keep to my word, and for the record so far I have.

Quinn's POV -

"Team Rocket! What are you doing here!" Ash yells. "I want my drawing back right now!" Bonnie says in sharp anger. "Silence twerps! These presents are now a part of the Team Rocket Festival." "And combined with your Pokémon, we'll have caught a cornucopia cheshay." "Yeah whatever that means," the Meowth mutters. "Time to clean!" he then screams.

The wind picks up at the start of their machine, Ramos attempt to prepare Gogoat until Ash screams, "Ramos, leave everything to us, ok?" "Right it's all yours," he responds. He send Pikachu off with an Iron Tail that disables their machine.

"Why you party poopers!" Jessie screeches. "Look, we put a lot of time into getting those gifts, so quit while you're ahead. "Yeah you're not gonna win this fight." I say as I size up one of my Pokeballs, releasing my own Frogadier, which has slight purple highlights on the darker pieces of its skin. Time for a battle.

"Hey, who's the new twerpette, who thinks she's all high and mighty?" Jessie asks insulted. "It's Quinn!" I shout back indignantly. "Well you're way behind twerp!" She yelled releasing her Pokémon, "Pumpkaboo Shadow Ball!" Ash beats me to the punch, " Frogadier, use Water Pulse." The water pulse cancels out the attacks effectively.

James releases his Pokémon as well, "Inkay, use Psybeam!" he shouts. "Frogadier, Hydro Pump!" I shout. The Hydro Pump pushes back the Psybeam and leaves Team Rocket soaked. "Fennekin, use Flamethrower." "Pikachu, use Thunderbolt." "Now Chespin, Pin Missile!" "Frogadier, you use Toxic." The moves spin together and blast Team Rocket off. I hear them yell, "Already?!? We're blasting off prematurely!" I smirk in satisfaction. 

With them gone we begin handing everyone back their presents to give to their Pokémon. Once they were all sorted, Ramos gave his speech and the tower of light, that the tree appeared as was truly mesmerizing. We then all began to give the gifts to our Pokémon. I pull out mine and am happy to see their smiling faces. 

Slyveon and Milotic all got new outfits since they were to perform with me at tomorrow's showcase. Needless to say they were overjoyed. Blaziken, who often loved to play with the purple bracelet on my wrist was given on of her own, she was ecstatic. Masquerain was given a purple ribbon as a bow to wear, that it too absolutely loved. Lastly, I gave Frogadier purple shurikens, that matched its skin and my signature color. I had gotten them from a certain ninja a while back, I knew Frogadier loved to battle, and when I explained that it would be great practice for when she evolved she jumped up and down before immediately beginning to train.

I met back up with the group and saw their gifts, and maybe, maybe I teased Ash over how he spend all day wandering, then collected berries, resulting in pushing back our battle once again. It was funny to see his face when I reminded him that because of the showcase coming up, we wouldn't be battling tomorrow either.

As we finish up and Ash complains that he is the only one yet to see all of my Pokémon, while Serena exclaims over how adorable they were with their new gifts along with Bonnie. We both were saying how great each other's Pokémon would look in the showcase from their new gifts when suddenly Serena's spotting interrupts our gushing, "Hold on, who is that for?" She questions, pointing towards a box. 

We walk over to the package, Ash immediately questions, "Do you think someone forgot to give it?" Clemont inspects the package before finding the card, and reading it aloud, "The card says it's to Serena." We all gasp confused, while Clemont turns to face her, "Well what do you know this present is for you." "Open it Open it!", Bonnie immediately says, already jumping with excitement. Serena give a curt nod before replying sure.

Opening the box, we all gasp in adoration of the beautiful dress sitting there. "A dress! It's so pretty!" Bonnie cries. "That will be perfect for the Showcase," I mutter, nudging her arm. She nods, too in shock to reply. Finally regaining her composure, she beings picking up the dress before saying, "Oh, but how?" We turn to Nurse Joy behind us, "I'm glad you finally got that package. It was delivered to the Pokémon Center for you." "Pokémon Center?" Ash questions. 

"Right." She answers before continuing, "It arrived there along with instructions to give it to you in a way that would be a big surprise. "Huh?" Serena questioned. We eventually found out that it was Serena's Mom and I was happy to see her so excited for the upcoming Showcase. After the call ended, we turned our head to see the wonderful fireworks in the background, lighting up beside the Pledging Tree. "Fireworks!" Bonnie exclaimed, but I was a little to lost in the beauty. 

We walk outside for a better view, but I am snapped out of my thoughts by Ash in the corner of my eye, "Serena?" He questions. "What Ash?" She replies turning her head to the present he hands her. AWWW, that's gonna make me mushy.  "Here, take this. I wanted you to have something from me." Ash responds. Ohhh, Serena will never escape my teasing, I think, but I hold back my laughter for the sake of the moment.

"But, what for?" She replies, dress still in hand. He turns slightly to look at his Pokémon before responding, "I never would have been able to choose a present for them without your help. So this is just my way of saying thanks a lot." He finished, rubbing under his nose. That has to be the cutest thing ever, I am so going to make this happen. I call dibs on being the captain of this ship.

Serena gasps, before taking the present and saying how she'll always treasure it, I didn't bother to ask what it was, Serena had explained what had happened earlier, and seeing how she recognized the package, I assumed it was the ribbon. We all turn back to the fireworks until Bonnie has a moment, "I can't take it anymore!" She exclaimed. Next thing I knew she was down on one knee in front of me before declaring, "Please take care of my big brother?" she asks. 

I try to hold back my laughter, at how she reminds me of Brock, but my face still reads shocked. Meanwhile Clemont grabs Bonnie exclaiming how has had told her not to do this 'a million times,' I didn't doubt it. Before he tries to stutter out an apology, I  say it's fine with an easy giggle before turning to Ash. "Doesn't that remind you of Brock?" I question we lock eyes before bursting out laughing Serena and Bonnie join in, but Clemont remains embarrassed for a minute before finally joining in.

We start to turn in and Ash turns to me to ask, "So are you gonna stay with us now?" I notice the others have all turned my way as well. "Well, I am sticking around to go to Lumiose City for a certain gym battle," Bonnie and Serena giggled at the reminder of my threat to Clemont, I assume Bonnie must have informed Serena. "But then I probably have to go off and train by myself, " I notice that they all slightly deflated before I continued. "C'mon Ash can't know all my secrets before the Kalos League, and I am sure we'll have run-ins at other gyms. Also," I whirl towards Serena, "I plan to see you in the Master Class." They all grin, they understand I have to do some stuff on my own, but we will have quite a few little reunions on our journey. At that we head to bed there is a Showcase waiting. 

Sorry for the shorter chapter, I have multiple tests, not to mention midterms. High School sucks but I'm trying. Anyways I hope to have the next chapter out by Saturday maybe Sunday. Can't promise anything, but I'll try!

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