Ch. 4 Let's Get to Know Each Other

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"K Serena, now it's your turn!" I stand there puzzled for a second, but it is instantly resolved by her outburst, "Yeah, my first Pokémon Showcase. And I'm So Psyched!" "Give it everything you got!" "Right."

"Oh, so we're rivals too? This will be fun." I state with a smirk, as the others turn to me in confusion.

Narrator's POV-

"What?" Bonnie yells. "You're her rival, too?" Ash questions. "Does this mean you take part in Pokémon Showcases too?" Clemont practically jumps in realization, while the others eyes grow huge at the statement.

"Ok, chill." I say motioning with my hands, "I figured you would have put that together from me doing Contests and the League in Hoenn. Silly me. Also before you ask, I have two princess keys so far, and yes I'm taking part in the one here." I say, trying to check all the boxes to limit the stream of questions I was expecting from Bonnie.

"Two Keys?" Serena stutters. "Yeah, but I have a feeling you'll do just fine." I clap her on the shoulder in an attempt to reassure her. She smiles slightly up at me, so I thought she at least appreciated the effort. Dramatically pointing forward I say, "Now let's head to the Pokémon Center. I am Starving! And any questions may be ask on the way." We all laugh as Ash and I's stomachs growl and we exit the gym.

Serena speaks first, but to my surprise, it's Not about Showcases, "So where is Blackthorn City? It doesn't sound like a place in the Hoenn region." "That's because it's not," Ash responds. I notice they are all looking at me in expectation, this won't be fun. "Ash is right, it's from the Johto region, it's where I'm originally from." I stop there, Clemont picks up on the fact that I want to avoid the subject and begins talking about each of our battles, with Bonnie barely notices, quickly screaming in excitement over the event.

When we neared the Pokémon Center, Serena finally broke, I'm surprised she lasted as long as did in all honesty. "So Quinn, I can't believe you have already gotten two princess keys, that's amazing." "Well it definitely helps to have Contest experience, so that's not really fair, you are probably amazing, you'll have to show me your routine." I say, as much as I like preforming there is no need for me to say I'm amazing, I could prove that myself if I wanted to, no need for anything more.

"Mmhmm, If you don't mind my asking, it seems like you are confident in battle, yet you lack that confidence in normal conversation." Clemont observes. 

"Well, I wouldn't say I lack it but I always felt that I was bragging, and I could prove myself if I needed to, so I choose not to try and show off my accomplishments. Especially with people like Ash, he is a much better trainer than me. It's obvious how much he cares for his Pokémon, not to mention, how he choose to start from scratch, but I kept the Pokémon that have travelled with me, well with me for the most part." I state tilting my head down. 

I didn't believe I was that great of a trainer, my family put me down a lot, and had no faith in me the fact that I decided to keep my Pokémon unlike Ash, only seems to prove their point. I knew I worked hard, but so did others and I would never want Serena to feel like she couldn't compete against me just because I've been doing this longer. 

"I don't think so," I look up to meet Ash's smile, "I think it's just a matter of technique, your Pokémon are in good health, you obviously respect, care, and understand each other. Just because I choose to start over doesn't diminish your strength. I had my own reasons behind leaving them and just like how I'm sure you had yours for keeping them. You're a great trainer Quinn, don't try denying it." I shrug, but we all know just how much that meant to me, we all saw the weight fall from my shoulders, even if small.

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