S2 Part 24 - A Little Party Never Killed Nobody

Start from the beginning

"This, along with the flower," Kurogiri began, "were delivered recently. Considering the context of this photo, I believe this was a warning to Shigaraki, specifically. This isn't the first 'gift' we've received."

"I got them too," you said, remembering now the creepy photo of you and Shinso from your birthday, "Not ones this disturbing. Honestly, I thought it was Shigaraki being a creep again."

"Ouch," Shigaraki clutched his heart, "But you thought I was sending you flowers, huh? ... Would you like me better if I did?"


Dabi snorted, "Desperation is an ugly color on you, Crusty."

"You're getting on my last nerves, Dabi. What kind of stupid name is that, anyway," Shigaraki began scratching his neck again. You felt yours beginning to hurt just from watching him.

Kurogiri let you stand on your own now and returned to his post, "If what she says is true, it seems he planned to betray you from the beginning, Tomura."

"What does he want with me?" You asked, "That's why he has Shinso, right?"

"That is the question," Kurogiri said, "Originally, he was part of a plan to get you to us. But he took our plan and made it his own."

"I don't even know this guy..." you shook your head, "What's his deal? Some sadistic photographer wants to cut me up? Why?"

"He's a psychopath," Dabi said, "That's probably it. Nothing else to it."

Kurogiri nodded, "And he seems to prefer female victims."

"He seems to have plenty to choose from!" You pointed down at the the photograph, "What good will my stupid hands contribute?"

Shigaraki paused, "I suppose he could have become obsessed with you. We did task him with following you - more or less."

"You suppose?" You glared, "I don't even have the words... okay, let's get on with the 'fixing this shit' part."

Dabi bent down and picked up the photo. Unfortunately, he held it low enough for you to see as well.

"Damn," he said, "this is much nastier up close."

The acid in your stomach churned.

"I'm gonna be sick..." you looked up at Kurogiri pleadingly.

"... there is a sink in the back," he said.

You nodded, then pushed past the villain and vomited your guts out in their, surprisingly clean, kitchen sink.


Not your BEST moment.

It was more than just the gore and brutal nature of his murders captured on film. It was also the fear that Shinso was trapped with this man.


Dabi was ahead of you but stopped, causing you to smash your face into his back. The villain train, as you called it, consisted of Dabi, you in the middle, and Twice taking up the rear. Tomura said he trusted you to not run away, but clearly no one else did.

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