While her father had died before her mother became Snow White's step mother, he had still been brought back when all the villains were. Evie had never understood why they had brought back her father...could it have been a plea from Snow, to grant her step mother a mercy that hadn't been bestowed to her?

To Evie, it almost seemed crueler. There was no guarantee Daniel would have gone to the Isle willingly after all, and her mother would have been devastated if that'd been the case. However, according to her mother at least, her father had followed her to the Isle. It was the one place where they could be together and have the future they had dreamed of. In a sick twist of fate, the hellhole of the Isle had become their happily ever after...until Maleficent managed to ruin it.

Could...could Maleficent have put him under a sleeping curse before she went to Auradon to crash Ben's coronation? Evie thought as she sat by her father's bedside, brushing a strand of his dark brown hair out of his eyes. After all, it is what's she's known for.

"Hi daddy. It's me, Evie," Evie said softly, leaning down to kiss him on the cheek. She froze though when nothing changed and he still laid there motionless, the only sign of life continued to be the slight rise and fall of his chest along with the beeping of the machines he was attached to. Had...had the years apart made it so he no longer loved her?

"What's wrong with him? Why isn't he waking from the sleeping curse?" Evie asked the doctor, hating the uncertainty in her voice that she was sure was audible to the doctor.

"He's not under a sleeping curse," Dr. Sweet said gently. "Evie, we put him into a medical coma as to allow his body time to heal. He'll wake up when we want him to, and when it's safe for us to do so."

Evie nodded, hoping her crushing disappointment wasn't evident was on her face. It made sense in a way, after eight years in Maleficent's clutches, there was no way her father wouldn't have some medical issues to address. Between the lack of edible food on the Isle and Maleficent's penchant for cruelty, the fact that her father had come back to her alive at all was enough to be grateful for.

"Can I get you anything?" Dr. Sweet asked as he seemed to check one of the machines and jotting something down on the clipboard in his hands.

"I'm fine, but thank you," Evie said softly.

Dr. Sweet gave her an understanding smile. "I'll give you some privacy. Please be sure to reach out if you have any questions."

Evie nodded and sat down next to her father's side. She had no idea how she would ever repay Ben or Mal for this. Especially Mal. After what Evie pulled at the coronation, Mal would have been well within her power to hate her...or even just hand her over to Maleficent when the evil Fae had appeared.

But instead Mal had defended her, had practically shoved her into Lady Persephone's arms as she battled Maleficent. And then, not only had Mal brought her along to Ben's party, but the Godling had brought her into her gang. For the first time, Evie could relax in her own room without feeling like she was going to be set on fire.

It was just a shame now that the feeling of safety would go away...the last thing Evie would want would be for Mal to go against her cousin. Especially for her.

Little did she know exactly what was happening over at Auradon Prep at that moment.

"Honestly Mal, you really think rooming with Blueberry is a good idea?" Uma asked as they prepared to make their way to the cafeteria.

"I wouldn't have told Ben it was fine if I wasn't okay with it Uma," Mal said, rolling her eyes before pausing for a second. "Carlos, Jay, Akiho, hold up a minute."

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