Chapter Twenty Eight

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Uma smirked as she walked into her dorm room. It had been a few days since she'd been to the Isle and oddly enough it was the first time that she had a chance to see Blueberry. It always seemed that she was off with her dad or working on her business or hogging Mal by talking about Cotillion or homework or even cheer practice of all things.

Yeah it seemed like a stupid thing to be jealous by but Uma still couldn't believe that Mal was willingly spending time with the blue haired girl. This was Blueberry they were talking about after all! The only one they couldn't stand more would be Freddy, though Audrey was getting up there as a firm fourth (after Zevon). Charming Jr. was also up there but now that Uma knew he couldn't exactly help his annoying behavior with the hypnosis, he was rather low on her list.

Maybe top ten if Uma was truly being honest because of the fact that he was still rather annoying to be around. Even Ben's shadows found him to be a pain at times and those two seemed to like anyone and everyone they met. But Evie would always be in the top three of Uma's list of annoyances.

Which was why Uma was armed with a smoke bomb, ready and willing to remind Blueberry who's territory she was in.

"Don't. Even. Think. About. It."

Uma blinked, her arm raised with the teal smoke bomb clutched firmly in her hand. Blueberry had her back to her, how had she...?

"You think I don't know by now when a smoke bomb's coming?" Evie asked. "You've pelted me at least once a week Uma. It's a safe assumption by now."

Evie turned to face Uma and put her hands on her hips. "The thing I don't understand is why. Mal I at least understood, even if it was rather petty. I didn't invite her to my birthday when we were kids and back then, I thought her Maleficent's daughter. But you, you went to my birthday party. You, and Harry, and Jay, and yet you're even worse to me than Mal was when we first arrived here."

"Stop being so prissy about it, Blueberry," Uma scoffed as she set the smoke bomb down. Hey, there was no reason to risk it going off accidentally after all. Plus, as she thought it over, Mal would probably kill her for setting off a smoke bomb in their shared dorm. As well, this was really the first time Blueberry had stood up to her like this. It was rather intriguing in a way.

"I'm not being prissy. I have the right to know what entitles you to be a hypocrite about the whole thing," Evie shot back. "I get it, I don't act like a girl from the Isle and that ostracized me from the others. But for Mal's sake, it won't kill us to get along and yet every time I turn around I'm still getting pelted with smoke bombs by you. I have the right to feel safe in my own dorm Uma!"

"We're VKs, when did we ever have the right to feel safe?"

"We've left the Isle! We're in Auradon!"

"That doesn't change the fact that for sixteen years, the Isle made us who we are! And even when we were on the Isle, you always acted like you were better than us," Uma shot back. "And yeah, I attended your birthday party. But only after Mal told me to go. I was ready to skip it. As well, do you really think that Jay or Harry really had a choice in the matter? Your mom was in a rivalry with Maleficent yet you still invited Jafar and his kid plus you invited Hook and Harry. Hook, who was terrified about how Maleficent would react to the idea of Harry besting Mal in a fight if we roughhoused. Hell, you invited DeVil and he wasn't even under our protection yet. Do you not understand how big of an insult that was? In addition, you didn't invite Virgil, Panic's son. So now you've not only insulted two of the biggest players on the Isle, you insulted my cousins by not inviting them and you insulted my allies by using Shenzi's cubs as party favors."

"But that was a party when I was six, it's been at least ten years by now!"

"And Maleficent cursed a baby for not getting invited to a party. I don't think I need to remind you that being petty and vindictive is kinda our parents' MO. Or did you forget that your mom tried to kill her step daughter because she was prettier than her?"

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