Chapter Ten

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Ben, Mal and Akiho made their way to the council room where Leah's fate would be decided. After all, once the council heard everything that Leah had done, they would have to vote to change it. To make everything better for people on the Isle. Right?

Akiho wasn't exactly thrilled at the fact that there was a lingering sensation of doubt in his mind about Leah's fate. After all, while she only had the two official cronies, Leah was still good at twisting words and crafting a decent argument. She wasn't considered the Queen of Stonewalling by his Aunt Elsa for nothing.

But Ben's no slouch when it comes to crafting a decent argument either, he thought as the trio reached the council room. I mean, with all the time he spends with his nose in a book, he'd better be.


His aunt's voice brought the blond out of his thoughts and Akiho smiled at seeing her. Granted, it hadn't been that long since he'd last seen his aunt but that didn't change the fact that he was always happy to see her.

"Hey Aunt Elsa," Akiho said, walking up and giving her a hug, earning a smile and a hug back from her. He also earned an eye roll and a sigh of annoyance from Leah as she passed them but Akiho paid her no mind. Hopefully, it was the last time Leah would step foot in this room. At least, as a member of Ben's council.

"What are you doing here?" Elsa asked as she broke from the hug and looked down at her nephew.

"His majesty invited me," Akiho stated. He knew Ben would hate it but that was the rule of the council, formality at all times. Even if you weren't on the council. "Don't worry Aunt Elsa...err sorry Queen Elsa. You're still the representative for Arendelle."

"I was more worried that you were in some sort of trouble," Elsa told him. "King Ben wasn't really all that detailed when he stated that there was an emergency council meeting to attend."

"Trust me, the meeting is in no way regarding me," Akiho said. "But we should probably be seated. I think his majesty is ready to get started."

"Yes, thank you Prince Akiho," Ben stated from his spot at the center of the table. Mal had taken the spot next to him, as both her status as his girlfriend and as his invited guest allowed. Akiho quickly took the spot next to his aunt, as normally every council member was allowed one guest if one was needed.

I probably should attend some more of Ben's council meetings, Akiho thought. At some point, it'll be me on the throne of Arendelle but before then, I should at least know what goes on here beyond what Aunt Elsa rants about at the castle.

"Excuse me King Ben but the council room is normally for council members only," Leah spoke up. Akiho could only assume that she had also noticed Mal's presence in the room. "I'm not sure if the presence of others is all that appropriate."

"Normally you'd be correct Queen Leah," Ben said and Akiho had to wonder how much it hurt his best friend to have to say those words, "but Lady Mal is here not only as my invited guest but as a representative of the Isle. The issue I've convened you all here today pertains to the Isle and I believe that it's time they have a voice that has long been denied them."

Leah pursed her lips. "I see. Well then, there's really no business for the young Arendelle Prince to be here then is there?"

"Prince Akiho is here as my invited guest, Queen Leah," Elsa stated, her voice cool yet firm as she stared at the aged monarch. "As council members, we're permitted to bring whomever we want as our guests. You said it yourself, Prince Akiho is Arendelle's prince. It's important he knows exactly what goes on at these meetings for when the time comes when he needs to take up the mantle of King of Arendelle. As I'm sure you'll be doing with Princess Audrey and Prince Phillip Jr when the time comes?"

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