Chapter Thirty Three

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Estelle grinned as he ran up to James, who threw the ball once more. The Cerberus loved spending time with the older human. He always seemed to make time for them to run around on the grass, something Estelle loved. It wasn't something they had back in the cloudy space with all the familiar humans but it felt nice on his paws. Plus James always seemed to have a treat or two on him. Granted, he wasn't Mal but there was only one Mal.

Speaking of who...

Mali! Estelle thought with a grin as he lifted his left head to see his human walking toward them, the right head still bent down to get the ball that had been thrown and the center head grinning over at James.

"How's he been today James?" Mal asked as Estelle came running over, dropping the ball at her feet and furiously wagging his tail. It was a clear hint that he wanted his human to throw the ball. A hint his human picked up on as Mal grinned and grabbed the ball, throwing it for Estelle who eagerly went chasing after it and running back to her with it firmly in his mouth before dropping it at her feet.

"Perfect as always Lady Mal," James said and Estelle snorted as his Mal made a face at the extra word in front of her name. He didn't know why the humans made such a big deal about the extra sound. Cerberi didn't!

"Do you have any plans for Cotillion James?" Mal asked as she threw the ball once more for Estelle. Her dog seemed to have boundless energy but that was alright by her. As long as he got tired out by bedtime, he could have all the energy he wanted.

Plus a tired out Estelle was more likely to give cuddles when it came time for bed. Nothing was better than curling up next to a pooped out pooch.

"In all honesty Lady Mal, I had assumed I'd be watching Estelle in my dorm so I hadn't planned on attending Cotillion," James said, looking a bit startled at the question. "Unless you've made other arrangements?"

Mal smiled and Estelle wagged his tail at seeing it, dropping the ball to give both humans a doggy grin of his own on all three of his heads. A happy Mal was always a good thing! There had been a while when she wasn't happy, and put weird things in her eyes, and didn't wear her removable fur...and had to deal with that mean human. Estelle hadn't liked that. Mali wasn't his Mali then.

But after talking to the pack mother, and the other Alpha, and her mate, it seemed like his Mali was back!

"Actually, Ben and I were hoping Estelle would be able to attend Cotillion with us," Mal said, tucking a bit of hair behind her ear. "We'd need your services during the dance and the speeches but other than that, Estelle should be good to stay with me so you can enjoy your night."

Mal didn't mention the fact that James would be well compensated for the night of work. It was actually the thing she had insisted on before even agreeing to ask James to do this. But then again, it wasn't as if Ben needed to have his arm twisted or anything.

He'd even gotten a clip on bow tie to go on Estelle's collar for Cotillion. Purple of course, because purple was Mal's color.

I am going to have to talk to him about where he managed to find a bright purple clip on bow tie with a tiny dragon in the corner, Mal thought as she softly shook her head. Either Ben's just got an obsession with dragons or he's determined to have people associate me with dragons instead of Maleficent.

Either way, she was fine with but she needed to get to the bottom of it. Though that didn't mean she didn't like it. Or wanted to get two more so that way all three heads would have a bow tie.

"I'm...I'm honored Lady Mal, truly I am. But won't Estelle's presence cause a stir with the other royals?"

Mal shrugged, bringing herself back to the conversation at hand. "By now all the other royals know I'm Lord Hades' daughter and they know a Cerberus is a symbol of Lord Hades. If there's truly a problem with Estelle being there, I'll handle it. I mean, a problem other than Audrey having an issue that is. But we've cleared it with Fairy Godmother who's already keyed both Estelle and you into the wards that'll be up around the yacht."

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