Chapter Nine

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Akiho sighed as he stared at the essay he was supposed to be writing. However all he had in front of him was a blank page as his mind was elsewhere. They were coming up on the one month mark since he had put in the request for that footage yet he had not heard a thing from the head of security from the docks.

Maybe he was still on vacation? No, Akiho would have heard something if that was the case. Or he would have been put in contact with the deputy head of security of the docks.

Akiho could only hope that their head of security wasn't somehow in Leah's pocket. He doubted it but then again his mother hadn't thought Hans was a low life set on taking over Arendelle just for a shot at having a throne. They were bad judges of character was the point he was trying to make.

Well, except for when he met Ben. Akiho had to smile as he thought back on that fateful day twelve years ago.

"Go on Akiho," Anna said gently. "Mama and Papa have to go to a meeting. You stay here with Olaf okay?"

"Okay mama," Akiho nodded.

"Don't worry Anna, he'll be safe with me," Olaf said with his usual smile. Anna smiled and bent down to kiss Akiho on the head before walking out of the room.


Akiho looked over to see a boy his age with light brown hair and brownish green eyes waving at him from the corner. How had he missed him?

"There's a secret passage over here," the boy said, as if he'd read Akiho's thoughts. "Chip showed it to me a few days ago. Oh! I'm Ben by the way."

"I'm Akiho...and this is Olaf," Akiho said, pointing to the snowman. "He's my babysitter while my mama and papa are in a meeting."

"But...he's a snowman," Ben said, tilting his head in confusion. " is he alive?"

Akiho shrugged. "I don't know. Mama says he's my cousin because my Auntie Elsa made him but I don't know how he's alive."

"Hi! I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs!" Olaf chimed in, walking up to Ben.

"You have to hug him now," Akiho told him.

"Okay," Ben shrugged and went over to hug Olaf. Akiho couldn't help but smile at the sight, most kids from other kingdoms ran away from Olaf whenever they saw him.

"Huh, he's warm," Ben said as he broke the hug. "Not cold like snow is."

"Maybe it's because Olaf's alive?" Akiho ventured.

"Maybe it's magic?" Another boy's voice ventured and both Ben and Akiho turned to look at a boy their age with jet black hair standing by the doorway. "Sorry, I didn't mean to butt in."

"It's okay," Ben said with a smile. "I'm Ben and this is Akiho and Olaf. What's your name?"

"Emir," the boy said, returning the smile. "My mama and papa are in a meeting."

"Same with ours," Akiho said. "What do you want to do while we wait?"

"Do you kids want to hear the story of The Two Sisters?" Olaf asked and Akiho groaned.

"Olaf! I've heard that story a thousand times!"

"Story?" Ben perked up and Emir looked interested. Akiho shook his head but sat down next to his new friends.

"It began...with two born with magical powers, one without...."

The familiar melody of his ringtone broke through Akiho's thoughts and brought the Arendelle prince back to the present.

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