Chapter Forty Five

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Freddy grimaced as he shifted in his cell, trying to change position as his butt was seemingly falling asleep. His wounds still ached, even if he would never actually admit it. Sure the Boreadon Bores brought a doctor to see him but he would never admit to them that he hurt. You don't let an enemy know your weaknesses after all.

That would be admitting that Mal had won. That the little witch had gotten one over on him with that little trick of her's at Cotillion. God he couldn't believe he thought she'd fight fairly!

How was he supposed to know that she could do that anyway? They claimed Mal had done this before, at Beastie Jr.'s coronation but he hadn't seen that. He'd been too busy to try to get to freedom after the wannabe Princess stole Fairy Godmother's wand and blasted a hole in the barrier. Though all it did was confirm what he already knew—Mal was a witch. Only witches transformed themselves the way Mal had. Only witches tried to rid the world of those who were only trying to keep others from going down their dark path.

He winced as a spasm of pain shot through his body, though the epicenter seemed to be around his ribs. God damn Hook! And Uma! And that little blue haired brat too! The son of Hades, that heretic! That would be another one he would have his revenge against once he got out of here!

The brat, that is. Freddy wasn't an idiot after all. Hades may have been a false God but he was still much bigger than Freddy ever was. Though...he could always take his anger and frustration out on that little fraidycat that ran errands for Hades. God it was always nice to cause him to jump out of his skin.

Jay was going to pay too, for punching him in the face! Oh he would regret that once Jade was tasting the cold steel of his dagger. Just like Hook would regret his choice to kick him once CJ was within his grasp...once Harriet was screaming for his mercy.

War would come to the Isle. And the Rats would be caught in a trap they wouldn't escape, especially if Freddy decided it might be good to partner with the witches over in the Casters. Sure, he despised magic but rumor had it Zevon had been working on a potion that was particularly debilitating if one were to get hit by it.

The Rats could block or duck daggers. But they'd be so busy fighting the Angels, they'd never see the Casters coming. The downfall would be glorious. They'd probably react the way Ryan had the day of the stampede. Freddy had heard the younger boy's screams from his hiding spot on the barge.

It would be worth teaming up with the worst sort of sinners the Isle could produce, just to hear his enemies scream like that. You couldn't block what you couldn't see after all, and there weren't enough Rats to fight both Angels and Casters.

In his pain addled brain, Freddy forgot in that instant that even though there were four Rats on his side of the bridge, there were still fifteen Rats on the Isle. Even with his seven Angels and the four Casters, the Rats still outnumbered them. It was close but they did. But that could be dealt with at a later date.

He had revenge to plot.

Of course Zevon would be out of his mind if he thought he'd get access to the docks. Freddy had bled for crying out loud! Had almost been hit by lightning by that witch Mal! If anyone was owed the docks, it was him.

"You might want to watch out. Or move away from the door. Then again it's your choice, if you want to get blasted go right ahead."

A familiar yet unfamiliar voice rang out, interrupting his plotting, and Freddy winced as a blast of bright light filled the cell. When it faded, however, Freddy was greeted with a glorious sight.

It's that Princess, the one I ran into before gracing Cotillion with my presence...Audrey, wasn't that her name? I didn't know she was a witch! She hadn't looked like one when I talked to her, neither did her allies for that matter. But then again, if she's freeing me from the odious cell, maybe she's someone worth knowing. Maybe she'd even be someone worth being called an Angel...once she'd been saved of course. Magic users belong over in the Casters if not with the filthy Warf Rats.

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