The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black

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As if he were lost in a foreign place, somewhere beige and miserable.

"Miss Crescent as you may know, our family has dominated the Wizarding society for centuries" the woman stated.

I could've bursted out with laughter due to the sheer sense of entitlement radiating off these people, frankly, it was hilarious.

I had no idea what she was talking about considering I'd never heard of them before now.

"We expect you to represent our family this year with respect and honour" the woman said

"In this household you will not be associated with Mudbloods or Blood traitors, for the safety of our image, you will adhere to our families rules and status, as it is simply unnatural and will not be tolerated in this household"

blood status didn't determine who you were or how much you were respected and it was insane to me that people like this still existed.

If I wasn't so classy I'd have my wand straight down her throat, or better, where the sun doesn't shine

"Yes ma'am" I replied, as kindly as I could possibly manage. Smiling at her with such a sickly sweet expression made me want to throw up.

"While staying with us, you will not enter the rooms of our sons Sirius and Regulus without our permission and you will most certainly not leave this house with out being permitted to, is that understood?"

"Yes" I muttered blandly.

If I wanted to go to prison, I would've done something illegal.

"You will address me and my husband as Mr and Mrs Black and nothing else, you are dismissed, Kreacher will bring you up to your room"

The woman gestured to the old house elf who has pulled out my chair.

I walked up the old creaky stairs of the black family home and passed the door that read "Regulus Arcturus" located just near the stairwell, I know what Sirius said about his families names, but it still boggled my mind that these peoples entire family empire was full of those named after celestial objects.

Regulus Arcturus was actually quite the name, so was Sirius.

when I got to my room I realized that it was directly in front of the one labelled "Sirius".

Just Fantastic.

My room was dark, like the rest of the house was, and it was all centred around a large four poster, the curtain tied back to reveal sheets of the darkest green. There was other furniture lying around, an upholstered chair, a grand wardrobe, and heavy dark drapes lining the windows.

the shag rug on the floor looked as though it had been collecting dust for decades and the wallpaper definitely needed to come down.

I pulled my trunk to the end of the bed and took out the first layer of belongings, I took note that the wardrobe was already half filled with formal clothing, dresses and intricate corsets.

I wondered what type of family still dressed like that and thought that it was normal.

I stacked all the books I'd brought with me inside the empty bookcase and hung some of my favourite pictures and posters on the walls.

As I was shifting through polaroids I came across a few of me and my Ex boyfriend, an arrogant little prick with no empathy or compassion for anyone but himself.

𝐶𝑅𝐸𝑆𝐶𝐸𝑁𝑇 | Sirius BlackOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora