Juliet Athena Crescent

Start from the beginning

Isn't that utterly ridiculous?

mother was furious.

But Dumbledore insisted that this would be a fantastic and wise opportunity for our family image and he made sure to add that the girl was pureblooded and from a respected family, as if that put my mother anymore on board with the idea.

Quite mental if you ask me, the whole thing, I'm going to be stuck baby sitting some poor girl all year, so much for our pranking plans, perhaps we might be able to use them on her though, I suspect she will be none the wiser.

Wish me luck, I'm going to need it. I'll send more news as it arrives.

-Your dearest marauder, Padfoot

𝐽𝑈𝐿𝐼𝐸𝑇- (July 5th 1976)

I ran down the old wooden steps of our Victorian home to reach the door that had just rang.

Today,  I would be leaving for London England via port key, I'd always hated port keys, such a thing seemed to be a good idea in theory, but it always made me sick to my stomach.
When I opened the door, excited beyond anything, my eyes were met with an underwhelming rusty old bucket. Attached to which was a label that read "Port key #1275492, Ministry approved, departure at 11:00 am"

I looked down at the old gold watch id been wearing on my wrist since my parents final will and testament had been dispersed, my mother had left it to me, I don't think it was out of motherly love though, if anything, it was merely to keep up appearances.

The hand etched closer to 11:00 every moment I stood in that doorway, as of the moment, they had just reached half passed ten and I was not yet finished packing so I rushed back up the stairs, taking it two at a time and threw open the door to my bedroom where I stuffed the last of my belongings inside my school trunk and latched it shut.

I couldn't quite believe that I was leaving this dreary place. It didn't matter anymore that it had once been lively when my grandfather still lived and breathed, or that he was the light to my family, because there was no light left, and I wanted nothing more than to get out.

I looked around my room one last time, at the place I wouldn't see for another year and while examining the mostly empty room, a thought crossed my mind.

I wondered who I might be after going to Hogwarts, if I'd change in the next year.
There was the possibility that I'd be the same, but I wondered if I'd meet new people, discover something groundbreaking or maybe even fall in love.

I knew that was outlandish thinking.

I wasn't the falling type, nor was I going to trip at the feet of boys who break hearts and take innocence, truthfully, love was quite stupid in my opinion, always so messy and hard.

I frequently questioned why everything good in life was so pricy and difficult to keep, it was all so cruel and unfair.

So I shifted that idea into the back of my mind out of fear that I'd spend my last minutes here overthinking about silly pathetic concepts.

After that thought I ran down the stairs and said my goodbyes to my grandmother, the only person in my families circle willing to take me in.

I was never really all that liked, I suppose everyone thought that my families practice would crumple if I was the one to inherit it one day, I've been on the phone with lawyers for weeks trying to make sure they don't dare steal it out from under me.

If I'm anything, I'm proud.

My grandmother though, was the only person who had been there for me during my hardships even though she was dealing with the same grief and misery, she never made me feel like my problems were less than hers and as much as I would love to have my parents beside me, alive and well, I doubt they could relate to that sentiment.

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