The Devil's In The Details

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Amdis led the way into the clubhouse, stopping in the doorway to look over the small group gathered there. She didn't see Jax or Ariel, and Minerva was missing as well. Riley and Luna sat at a table with Gemma, laughing about something, As Venus stood by the pool table watching two men play pool. She grinned as she waved a hand at the men behind her, striding into the room as if she owned it.

"Well, if this isn't a motley looking group."

Riley jumped up and hurried her way, arms open for a hug, as the men playing pool stopped what they were doing to watch the newcomers. "Amdis! It's about damn time you got here!" After she hugged Amdis, she held her arms open to the two men, smiling widely. "Come here, you handsome devils!" As she wrapped her arms around Elijah and he enfolded her in his, she laughed in delight. "I didn't know that you two were coming with Amdis! This is a nice surprise."

Elijah chuckled and nodded as she let go of him to hug Klaus. "Well, you know that Niklaus has always done what he wanted. I just usually follow along."

Klaus chuckled before looking down at the woman still in his arms and smiling. "Riley, my love, you look stunning as always."

Riley nodded as she heard a masculine throat clear behind her. She turned to see Chibs and Tig standing behind her as Venus hugged Elijah. "Ri, who's yer friends?"

She rolled her eyes before pointing at the threesome. "Well, that's Amdis, one of our sisters, and this is Elijah and Niklaus Mikaelson, friends of ours." As the two Sons nodded to the others, Riley turned to Amdis. "Would you all like something to drink?" When Klaus chuckled, she rolled her eyes and swatted him on the arm. "Behave yourself."

Amdis smirked as she turned to Half-Sack, who was standing by the bar. "Some bourbon would be lovely, darling." When he nodded, she turned back to the women gathered around. "Well, someone catch me up on what's been happening since I've been gone."


Later, as everyone sat around chatting, Riley was staring off into space, thinking to herself about the house that Minerva had bought. She sighed as she turned to Luna, who was sitting beside her. 

"I need to go for a bit."

Luna cocked a brow at that. "Why do I feel like this is a bad idea?"

Riley grinned and shrugged. "It might be, but I really want to go to the house and do some more exploring. I feel like there's a puzzle piece missing to this whole thing."

Luna sighed and shook her head. "Well, you are going to take someone with you, right? You're not foolish enough to go alone."

Riley grinned sheepishly, making the other woman groan. "Look, if I say where I'm going, then Chibs is going to demand to go as well because he's been watching me like a hawk since the whole dead body thing. I really need to do this by myself. I can concentrate better that way."

Luna stared at her for a moment before finally nodding. "Well, if you're going to go, now would be a good time. They're busy with their pool game and might not notice that you've gone right away." Riley nodded and moved to stand before Luna grabbed her hand. "Be careful. I mean it, Riley. The second something seems off, you get out of there. There's no telling what could happen."

Riley nodded before giving Luna a reassuring smile. "Of course, I will. Don't worry. I'll be back before I'm missed." 

Luna nodded but looked uncertain. "Alright, but I'm getting that feeling in my stomach. I'm not sure about this at all."

Riley nodded, patting her on the arm as she stood up. "Don't worry. It causes wrinkles." When Luna just gave her a look, she grinned and shrugged. "I'll be back soon. I promise."

Luna nodded as Riley turned to go. She'd gotten a few feet from the table when Luna spoke again. "Riley? I love you."

Riley smiled and nodded. "I love you too, Lu."


Riley sat in her car in the driveway of the old house that now belonged to Minerva and tried to work up the nerve to open the car door. In the twilight, the house gave off a sinister vibe which made the hair on the back of her neck stand up. She thought about what Luna had said and sighed as her hands tightened on the steering wheel. 

She wasn't normally put off by Luna's musings but she also didn't ignore them. She'd seen the other woman be right too many times to totally throw away her misgivings, but Riley felt that she was right in doing this herself. If something was going to happen, she'd rather it be just her and not someone who couldn't see what she could.

It wouldn't be the first time she'd thrown herself into the volcano as a sacrificial lamb, and it probably wouldn't be the last. She took a deep breath before opening her car door and stepping out. She was halfway to the door when she realized that she had left her cell phone in the car. Cursing herself, she shrugged, knowing that she probably wouldn't need it, and at least she had remembered the flashlight that was tucked into the back pocket of her jeans.

As she stepped inside the house, she was immediately surrounded by the spirits of the dead in the house, all women and all young, possibly teenagers. She held up a hand for silence as she looked around the living room before slowly walking through the kitchen to the basement door. 

As she passed the doorway, she noticed scratch marks that she hadn't seen the first time she'd been inside the house, although, in her defense, she'd been talking to Chibs and dealing with the spirits at the time. As she studied the scratch marks, she cursed under her breath. She'd seen something like this before, back in New Orleans. Before the thought could form, she felt herself be lifted and slammed into the wall. The last coherent thought she had before she passed out was that she needed Niklaus.

I Believe It's Magic (Part One Of The Sisters Of Misfortune series)Where stories live. Discover now