Eventful Pasts

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One Week Later

Jax looked up, the card game between himself and Opie forgotten when Juice took the seat at the table beside him.

"I got the info you wanted."

Jax raised a brow as he lit a cigarette and sat back in his chair. "Ariel?"

Juice nodded as he leafed through the papers in his hand. "Yeah. Let's see... there wasn't a lot of information on her but what I found is a little... odd." He shook his head. "The people in this town, man. They suck."

Jax frowned. "Why? What happened?"

Juice let out a breath before beginning. "She was born and raised here, had a pretty normal childhood from what I could find, but when she turned thirteen, everything went to shit for her." He shook his head. "Her parents both died in a house fire, then a year later, the uncle she was living with was found in his car, burned to a crisp. Neither case has ever been solved, but... "

Jax gave him a look and shook his head. "And what? You think thirteen-year-old Ariel offed her parents and uncle?"

Juice lifted a brow and shrugged. "I don't know whether I believe it or not, but the good townfolk do. She's basically been ostracized her whole life. Nobody ever has anything to do with her, but that's not all." When Jax nodded, he continued. "There was a girl in high school with Ariel. She bullied her constantly, calling her names and even attacking Ariel during gym class according to the police report. Anyway, the girl died a couple of weeks after the incident at school." He leaned forward and lowered his voice. "The girl was found burned to a crisp, in her bedroom. Nothing else in the room was even scorched. Just her. The girl's parents blamed Ariel, said she must have done it."

Opie scoffed as he lit a cigarette. "Come on, man. Seriously? That's horror story shit, not real life."

Jax nodded before scraping his chair back and standing. "Well, I say we go check on her."

Juice shook his head. "Man, I think you ought to leave that chick alone. She did a good thing with Abel, but that whole thing is sketchy too."

Jax knew what Juice was talking about. The day after Abel showed up with Ariel, the club learned that there was a house on the outskirts of town that blew up. Four bodies were found inside and the police were still trying to figure out who they were and what had happened. Jax didn't know the whole story of Abel's disappearance and subsequent rescue, but he wanted to know. He thought the best person to ask was Ariel herself. He looked at Opie and tilted his head.

"You with me?"

Opie grinned as he got up and followed Jax outside. "Hell yeah, I am."


Jax and Opie parked their bikes in the dirt path leading up to the ramshackle shotgun house sitting in the clearing. They were just inside the reservation, so it was a good thing that they were in good standing with the people that lived there. They saw smoke coming from behind the house, so they followed a small path worn in the grass to the backyard.

Jax stopped in his tracks when he saw Ariel standing beside a cauldron on an open fire, stirring whatever was inside with a huge wooden spoon. It wasn't the sight of the small woman standing by the fire that had his attention. It was the large cat laying beside her in the grass. He heard Opie curse under his breath as he stopped beside Jax.

"Is that a fucking panther?"

"Yes, but Chimera won't harm you. Jackson, Harold, to what do I owe this visit?"

Jax blew out a breath. "How do you know our names? We've never met. Believe me, I would remember."

Ariel shrugged as she turned to face them, the silky fabric of her long skirt swirling around her legs. Today she was dressed in what Jax could only describe as a rainbow of pastel colors. Her feet were bare under the flowing skirt and her hair was up in a messy bun, reminding him of what he could only assume a hippie would look like. All she was missing was a flower in her hair.

"I know lots of things that people don't think I should. You didn't answer my question, Jackson."

He nodded as he stepped closer to her, keeping a wary eye on the large black cat. "I thought you might want to know how Abel was."

Ariel smirked and shook her head. "I know how Abel is. He's happy. Now, why are you really here? Did curiosity get the better of you? Did you want to see the monster up close?"

Jax shook his head as he stepped even closer to her. "I don't see a monster, Ariel. I see a beautiful woman who's been mistreated the majority of her life."

Ariel smiled sadly and shook her head. "No, I am a monster, Jackson. I've done things that you wouldn't believe." She looked around him to Opie. "Harold, take your friend away from here. Neither of you belong here."

Jax shook his head. "I feel like I need to stay."

Ariel smiled kindly at him as she stepped closer and laid a hand on his chest. Jax sucked in a breath at the touch as she looked up at him with sad eyes. "I used to dream of a handsome man that would come and save me, but I couldn't stay my course. I changed my stars when I took matters into my own hands. I saved myself, and in doing so, I lost my destiny." She patted him on the chest before stepping back. "Go home, Jackson."

Jax stood silently watching as she walked into the house, the panther following behind obediently. He felt someone touch his shoulder and looked to see Opie standing beside him. "Come on, brother. Let's go home." Jax started to speak but Opie shook his head. "If you're meant to, you'll see her again."

Jax finally nodded and followed Opie back the way they had come to their bikes. As he straddled his and hit the starter, he looked once more at the small house. If it was destiny, then Opie was right. He'd see her again.

I Believe It's Magic (Part One Of The Sisters Of Misfortune series)Where stories live. Discover now