-I Love Her-

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'I'm sorry...'
Two words she was never expecting to have to say.

She was eagerly awaiting Rosa's reply. The suspense was killing her.

'What do you want?'

At least she was replying right? She can't be that mad?


Oh god what did she do. She had the fattest crush on Rosa for ages but that just sounded creepy. She was expecting Rosa to go off at her. To be really mad, and even though she was, she realised she'd just have to look past it and look after Gina.

'My place. Now.'

Gina slowly got herself up and walked to Rosa's apartment. She knew the number and everything.

She knocked on the door and was greeted with open arms. Literally. She dropped her bag, stepped in the house and hugged Rosa.

It was then it really hit her. She loved Rosa. A lot.

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