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After work, Gina and Rosa left the precinct together and walked back to Rosa's apartment. Gina stayed close to Rosa and held her hand the whole way.

Nobody from the precinct had ever seen her apartment before. Until now.

They walked in and sat down together on the couch. Gina looked at Rosa and smiled.

Much to Gina's surprise, Rosa smiled back.

Rosa made dinner for the two of them, they watched TV, and soon enough were off to bed. Rosa gave Gina pyjamas so she wouldn't have to sleep in uncomfortable clothes.

"You wanna sleep in here or on the couch?"
"IL be fine on the couch." replied Gina.
"Okay, if you need anything at all just come wake me up okay?"
Gina nodded her head and went through to the living room while Rosa got in bed. Soon enough after that they both fell asleep.

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