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Their break had just started. She assumed Gina wouldn't be going anywhere from where she was, so Rosa quickly went to the store nearby. She didn't know Gina too well, but she knew Gina liked wolves. So she bought her a little wolf blanket and some snacks.

She got back to the precinct and went to knock on the door of the stall she was in in the bathroom. She hesitated. Maybe she was just being stupid. She'd barely talked to Gina before. To be honest, she found her annoying. But no matter what she thought, her head kept telling her she had to do this.

She lightly knocked on the stall door.

Then it slowly opened, but only a crack.

She slid in.

Gina looked up at her confused, so she sat down on the floor next to her.
"You okay?" she said quietly, wrapping the blanket around Gina's shoulders.

Gina didn't say anything, but she leant her head on Rosa's shoulder, and then wrapped her arms around Rosa's waist and hugged her. This relieved Rosa. She had most of the people at the precinct scared of her, which she was proud of, but she was also happy Gina felt safe enough with her to do that.

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