-My Place-

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They sat on that floor for what felt like forever, but in reality was only around 20 minutes, when Gina finally managed to force words out through her sobs.
"I can't do this anymore..."
Rosa had to take a minute to think of how to respond.
"Yes you can Gina"
"But I cant. He was everything to me. He'd been staying at my house for a couple months while he found a new place, it was nice having someone there with me. But now he's gone. Forever."

Rosa felt Gina's grip around her tighten.

She couldn't believe what she was going to say next.

" Well, if you wanted to... You could always stay at my apartment until you adjust? Just for a few days, or weeks, however long you need."

For the first few moments, Gina didn't say a word. Rosa was scared shitless. What had she just done? What was Gina going to think of her?

" Okay... "
Gina said.
" Thank you."

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