05 | white lie

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sunlight struck jisoo's sleeping eyes as lisa opened the windows. she groaned as she stretched my whole body. it was already seven in the morning and she needed to get up already, but her body said no.

"yah! get your ass up already," jennie pulled her having zero energy because she just woke up. "damn, you're so heavy, you must be fat by now."

she made a face at her and finally opened her annoyed eyes, "i'm not heavy! you're just weak!" jisoo backfired at her and glared.

when she was cooking eggs, she finally came back to her senses when the oil jumped right onto her skin. "this bitch- ouch!" her body felt hot like there was a chili that was rubbed on her skin.

"are you okay there?" rosé asked, who was taking a long bath that made lisa complain, "what are you doing in there to take so much time? get out already, we'll be late!"

"y'all i'll just follow, the food is already ready, and once y'all are done taking bath, take a bite already," jisoo yelled and they were like so soft. fleecy and quaggy voices came out of their mouths and she half smiled.

the girls already put their feet in the classroom while she was taking a bath in a haste. "shoot, i'll be late, why am i the one to cook today, grr."


"what did you fucking do to my chu yesterday?" jinyoung grabbed taehyung's uniform as he was raging.

taehyung smirked, "why 'my chu'? she's not yours," he bellowed. "what happened last night? we kissed. so what-"

even before finishing his words, jinyoung smacked him on his face. taehyung smiled sarcastically with his eyes being provoked.


houting and affronted noises triggered jisoo's ears as she was walking towards the building and she stopped. a commotion in the back startled her eyes. "y'all what are you doing!" she moved my feet like lightning as taehyung already gave a fist to jinyoung.


she went in the middle, and stared at them both fiercely. "why are you fighting this early morn-"

"asked that asshole," she hasn't finish asking them but jinyoung already growled at taehyung like a tiger. taehyung didn't speak up and just smirked. both of them were wearing punch marks. on the right cheek for jinyoung, and on the lips as for taehyung.

tho they were running out of time, jisoo let them seat on the bench. since she was bearing bandaids in my bag, she quickly got it and put it to the both of them.

"this isn't painful y'all don't be crybabies," she jokingly whispered to them while she was putting it to the right cheek of jinyoung. he beamed at me like there was no pain, and was doing an eye to eye with me. "thankyou, chu, and i'm sorry for taking your time."

grin reached her face and smiled at jinyoung. jisoo turned her face to her left where taehyung was seated. he was watching air, "are you okay?" she questioned him to make his soul somehow alive. she didn't receive any respond.

"chu, let me-" she cut jinyoung off and replied, "you two just fought."

as she was putting the bandaid to his lips, a bad memory came to jisoo's mind. she remembered when she swallowed her own saliva when she was watching his red lips. now she was up close with it. but little did she know, she already taste it.

she was staring at it, "yah! why does it take you so long," jinyoung tapped her arms and removed it from taehyung's lips to where she put the bandaid. she finally took her eyes off it. she pursed her lips and closed her fists.

"you two let's go back," jisoo was in the center and put her arms around their waist as they went to the room. "y'all be the one to explain why we're late,"

"keep your mouths shut, don't tell what happened" taehyung deadass freed some words from his mouth, while wearing a poker face.

taehyung noticed that jisoo seemed to no not remember what happened last night. as jinyoung were quite far from them, "jisoo, uhm do you remember s-something?" he asked him in his breath.

"what happened? i just remembered that we cleaned your dorm," as she was saying it, a look of disappointment can be seen from taehyung's face. "and jinyoung said that i got drunk because i accidently drank the alcohol in your refrigerator."

"right." sigh.

"we will be having a short qu-" as soon as they entered the room ms. hwang was already announcing something. "good morning ms. hwang!" jinyoung and jisoo happily greeted her while taehyung was just resting his body at the door. still no expression at all.

they thought they would be able to escape from asking but, "what happened to your faces, taehyung and jinyoung?"

"i fell while i was sleeping ms hwang!" jinyoung explained.

"how about you taehyung?"

"jisoo and i kissed yesterday."



"what the fuck?" no air came out of jisoo's mouth. her eyes widened and was entirely betrayed. she almost lost my sanity.

"no, that's completely a lie!" jisoo defended myself with a rising tone. her face was full of disappointment for what he has said.

"yes, that was a lie, ms hwang! hon-" jinyoung nearly revealed the truth but she stopped him by grabbing his arm. "h-he must be lying."

jisoo wanted to clean her name, but she remembered what taehyung has said earlier so she just kept saying it was untrue. why am i being considerate to this man? why?

"you two just keep it yourself and talk about it later okay? we'll be having a short quizes sit already," ms hwang commanded them.

jisoo took my sit while close but no cigar sobbing. she took a glance with her angry eyes at him and saw him acting like he didn't do anything wrong. "why did you tell a lie? no, it's not just a lie, it can ruin my image."

"we really kissed. but i did lie, this mark is not caused by the kiss rather by the punch," his words in his innermost.

as expected, he kept his mouth shout as if he did not hear anything. jisoo's head was fuming. storm filled up her whole brain. "if my suspicions are right, i will put cards on the table," her mind unconsciously thought.

seems like anxiety came at her. she was disruptively putting her two hands above her head, looking for some air to breath, and simultaneously stomping her feet.

"are you okay?" rosé who was answering the test, asked her.

she started to perspire, and started biting her nails. blurriness came to her eyes. too late to notice that she was falling to the floor.


"jisoo!" jennie's voice was the first one she heard when she was slowly blinking her eyes. upon clearing the blurriness of my eyes, jisoo saw jinyoung and the three giving her sweet beams, but a noticable worrying faces.

"what happened?" jisoo was puzzled while trying to get up of the bed in the clinic.

"you should rest first here," jinyoung caressed her right cheeks with his warm hands. "you looked so uneasy earlier because of that asshole!" jinyoung pointed at taehyung, who was calmly sleeping.

"why is he here?" she asked them while looking at him with my deadpanned face. and he slowly got up. "why a-are you here?"

"ah i brought him here and he-" taehyung disinherit lisa out of her will. "s-sorry," he said with his low voice, and was ready to kneel his knees on the floor.

"you don't have to kneel, just please don't do shits, and tell everyone it's a lie or you were just messing around" jisoo beckon him up to get up. "you can go now."

frustration can be drawn to jinyoung's face, "did you just forgive him that fast? why?" jisoo honestly don't know why herself. why am i that forbearing when it comes to him?

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