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+ parasol +

The sun was beaming down from the completely blue sky, not a single cloud lingering in the sky as Ellie and I walked outside. We liaised down the path that led around the large stone school building, the gravel lining the path that was surrounded by the green grass of fields that the school was situated on.  The pair of us had decided to take the rest of lunch to take a walk around the grounds very quickly, having spent the whole stay stuffed up in classroom after classroom this morning.

"How was the dinner then?" Ellie asked as she spun her parasol between her hands, the umbrella spinning as we walked down the gravel path, the stones crunching under our shoes. "I met my husband" I told her, mentioning Tobias, watching the pair of girls walking in front of us, the sweet air filling my lungs as I looked out at the grass. "Pardon?" she said as she turned towards me, her eyes wide as I looked over at it, holding my sun umbrella down by my side as I let out a deep sigh. "The boy my parents want me to marry" I clarified, Ellie's eyes on my as we continued to walk forward down the path.

"He was at my house for dinner" I told her as I looked back over at her, being met with her smirk as she nudged my shoulder with her own. "Is he cute?" she asked me, making me let out a small groan as I looked over at her, not knowing what else I expected from her honestly. "Ellie" I said, keeping my expression blank which made her laugh, pointing her finger at me as she shoved it close to my face with a wide grin on her face. "He is, I can tell" she said with another laugh as I looked away from her immediately, my ears turning red from a mixture of both guilt and embarrassment.

"You have two cute guys chasing your coat tails and I have never spoken to a half decent guy" she said with an angry exhale, shaking her head disapprovingly as I furrowed my eyebrows at her. "You don't have a husband lined up?" I asked her, having thought that her hand would have been promised in marriage at an extremely young age. "Oh I do but he smells like goats cheese so I will be objecting as soon as my mother mentions him again" she said with a dismissive wave, resting her parasol on her shoulder as she lazily held it with one hand, rolling her eyes quickly. "Life must be so much easier when your husband to be is handsome" Ellie said with a hopeful sigh, shaking her head as I looked at her, raising my eyes.

"He's not going to be my husband" I corrected her, making her give me a knowing look as my foot kicked out a few stones from under it. "But your parents" Ellie objected, making me point my finger at her with my mouth pressed into a straight line, not wanting her to finish her sentence. "Don't control my life" I finished for her, making her nod slowly, still not believing me as i let out a long sigh, looking down at the stones as we continued to walk down the path. "I am also in a committed relationship" I added, feeling the need to add that that was the primary reason I didn't want to speak about Tobias.

"Gilbert" Ellie said in a dreamy voice, mocking me by making kissing noises and pouting her lips, making me push her away from me by her shoulder. We both laughed lightly as I shook my head, a smirk resting on my face at the mention of Gilbert. "Are you going back to the city this weekend?" Ellie asked me, making me nod my head excitedly as I pushed a stray strand of blonde hair that had fallen from my bun away from my eyes. "Mm" I hummed in reply, making her sigh as she leaned into me, looping her arm around mines as I led her down the path.

"Why is your life so exciting?" she asked me, moving her parasol so that it was covering the both of us from the sun. "Can you introduce me to your husband?" Ellie continued, barely giving me any time to interrupt to object to her calling him that before she opened her mouth again. "What's his name?" she asked me, scrunching her eyebrows together as I rolled my eyes at her curiosity, thinking that we had moved the conversation from Tobias to Gilbert. "Tobias Farthing" I told her, making her nod her head silently before she let out a heavy sigh, tugging on me for support as our shoulders brushed against one another.

"Guess the name of my future husband" she said to me, making me screw up my face like I was thinking, looking ahead as I stayed quiet for a few beats. "Bartholemu?" I asked jokingly, making her chuckle lightly as she shrugged her shoulder quickly, her face telling me that she didn't like talking about him too much. "Milton" she revealed, raising her eyebrows as I let out a small noise, shrugging my shoulders at her response. "That's not too bad" I told her, making her roll her eyes, wether at me or at Milton I couldn't quite decipher. "Easy for you to say" she remarked, making me laugh slightly as we continued to walk down the path in a light and calm silence.


A/N: I apologise for not having updated in so long and this is just a filled chapter but here you are
I know you are all starved of Kate and Gilbert content so do not fear the next few chapters will be focused on our favourite couple so look forward to those
this chapter is a little bit shorter than the rest so sorry for that but I will see you again soon with an exciting chapter don't forget to vote and comment

A/N: I apologise for not having updated in so long and this is just a filled chapter but here you are I know you are all starved of Kate and Gilbert content so do not fear the next few chapters will be focused on our favourite couple so look forwa...

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