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I let out a sigh as I pushed open the door with my free hand, my other holding tightly onto my suitcase as my shoes sunk into the plush patterned carpet of the room. There was a loud squeal as I looked up, setting my bag on the floor as my roommate Ellie jumped up from her spot at her desk, practically tripping over her foot to come and greet me. Ellie, better known as Eleanor Parkes was the granddaughter of Sir Henry Parkes, who was responsible for the Federation of Australia. There was new money, a family fortune that was only made independently in the last few generations, much like my family. Then there was old money, money inherited for generations going back as far as a century, and that's the side Ellie fell on.

"Did you manage to see him?" she asked me, her voice so silky and smooth you could tell that she had been caught by a dialect couch on how to dictate her words properly at a young age. I hushed her as I closed the door behind me, needing to make sure no one over heard about my weekend scheme that occurred. I turned back to her, leaning against the door with my hands behind my back, resting between the door and my back as a wild smile spread onto my face.

"You did" she squealed, bouncing up and down on the spot, the shawl that was wrapped around her shoulders falling to the floor, revealing her night gown. Her chestnut brown hair was already pinned up in rollers, the curtains drawn to keep the night out and the bulb that hung from the ceiling illuminating the room. "I told you it would work" I said to her, letting out a laugh as I moved into the room, picking up my bag as I walked over to the wardrobe, wanting to unpack my suitcase before bed.

"Was he dreamy?" she asked me, staring at me like a hungry animal ready to pounce on its pray. I let out a laugh, looking back at her with an amused expression as she cleared her throat, retracting closer to her desk quickly. "Sorry, I haven't experienced much romance before" she apologised, going a bright shade of red as I laughed at her, shaking my head. "It's alright" I replied, pulling my bag up onto my neatly made bed, balancing it on the mahogany frame as I opened up my wardrobe to reveal many dresses in bright patterns and colors. If I was being forced to wear the same dress as everyone, you can bet that I wear a unique pattern.

"Your brother won't tell your parents will he?" Ellie asked me, her eyebrows raised as she picked up her shawl, throwing it onto her bed quickly as she awaited more information. "No, he's good at keeping secrets" I told her with a shake of my head, not telling her about the slight bit of blackmail I was holding over Tom's head. "So give me the details come on, I waited up for you" she told me, begging for more as she sat back down in her desk chair, only angling it towards me more. "We went to dinner" I started, hanging up my corset next to the others I owned, reaching back to my bag as I pulled out a jacket and matching skirt.

"I got the sea bass" I added, behind met with a heavy sigh as I turned around, Ellie rolling her eyes as she leaned towards me again. "I don't want those details" she argued as I let out a laugh, shrugging my shoulders at her as she sighed again, leaning her chin against her hand which was wrapped around the back of the chair. "I bet you kissed" she said to me quietly as I laughed, shaking my head as I turned around to look at her, placing a jacket over the hanger holding the matching skirt. "Are you a child?" I asked her, a smile on my face as I shook my head, letting out a small scoff.

"No, just extremely starved of romantic attention" Ellie replied without missing a beat, making me nod my head as I reached into the wardrobe, hanging up the last thing I took in silence. "I have come to the conclusion that your silence means yes" she said with a sigh, shrugging her shoulders as I dropped my bag on the floor, kicking it under my bed to store for the next time I would need it. "Well, I should stay silent then" I told her, letting out a sigh as I collapsed on my bed, exhausted from my night of bumpy travel.

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