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+ handkerchief +

I stood outside in the hallway, the palm of my hand thudding agsinst the thick wooden door, the sound echoing on both sides of the door. I let out an exasoerated sigh as I dropped my hand for a moment, my arm aching as I leaned against thewall beside the door. I had been here for what seems like forver already, Tom refusing to open up the door for me. I was hoping he was in, becasue if he wasnt I have just annoyed off the neighbors for nothing but having to stand out in the hallway for a few undetermiend hours.

"Tom" I shouted, pushing myself off od the wall as I struck my knuckles against the door once again, resuiming the thudding as I let out an angered groan. "Tom, you better open the door in the next 5 seconds" I added, ripping my head back in exhaustion as I hit the door a few more times with my hand, debating just giving up. "Calm down" someone shouted from in side, the sound of footsteps making their way towards me as I let out a massive sigh of relief. The door was ripped open, Tom standing on the other side in a white shirt and black trousers, an undone bow tie resting around his collar. "Why did it take you so long to let me in?" I asked him, picking up my suitcase as I hauled it into the apartment, Tom walking away as he pushed a set of cuff links in.

I eyed him, kicking the door shut behind me with my foot as I wondered why he was dressing up for a night at the opera. "I'm getting changed, leave me alone" he told me, my eyebrows furrowing as he made his way back into his own room, his hair looking a little too neatly combed. "Changed for what?" I asked him, pulling the buttons undone on my jacket as I pulled my arms rom the tight sleeves. "I'm going out to dinner" he called back in reply, making me let out a heavy as I left my suitcase in its place in the small entrance way. I walked over to Tom's room, leaning against the door frame as he stood in front of his mirror, starting to tie his bow tie around his neck.

"You begged me to come here tonight" I countered, rolling my eyes at the fact I would be spending my night alone. "You sent your letter too late I already made plans" Tom replied with a shrug of his shoulders, brushing off my complaint as I let out another heavy sigh. "I hate you" I told him, his fingers having finished his bow tie as he grabbed his suit coat that was hanging over the wooden wardrobe door. "You can come with us if you want" Tom said to me as he shrugged his arms into the sleeves. "Who exactly is us?" I asked as I raised my eyebrows at him, crossing my arms over my bodice as Tom stared back at me while he brushed the front of his waistcoat.

He didn't answer me immediately, his hand falling over his breast pocket as he looked down at it with a click of his fingers. "Handkerchief" he remembered, dodging my question as he pulled open a drawer, raking around inside of it. I let out a loud groan, the blonde boy pulling a handkerchief from the drawer as he folded it delicately in his hands, still not offering me an answer to my question. The sound of the doorbell rung throughout the apartment, the soft chiming noise bouncing off of the walls as I looked towards the front door. "Grab it for me please" he told me, nodding towards me as I rolled my eyes in reply. I pushed myself off of the doorframe, making my way through the apartment back to the door, my shoes clicking on the hardwood.

I put my hand on the brass handle, pulling it open slightly to see who was outside, my default kind smile resting on my lips. Monty Farthing stood on the other side of the door, wearing his dinner coat and his hair also neatly styled, his hands thrown in his pockets lazily as he looked down at me. "Hey, good to see that you did chose to visit your brother" he said to me, nodding his head as I opened the door up wider, motioning inwards and assuming he was the 'we' Tom was talking about. "You can come in, Tom's just getting ready" I instructed, getting a small thank you in return as he waltzed into the apartment, my hand about to go to close to the door. Before I could move it on its hinges Tobias pushed himself off of the wall, smiling at me as he followed after his older brother.

"And Tobias is here too would you look at that" I said, my voice sounding hollow as he let out a small chuckle, my hand pushing the door close behind him. "Your tone sounded very sarcastic" he said back to me, keeping his voice low as I nodded my head at him, pressing out a smile to tell him he was correct. "Monty" Tom greeted, clasping his friends hand as they exchanged a quick hello, the white handkerchief folding neatly in the breast pocket of his blazer. "I brought Toby, I hope you don't mind" Monty said to my brother, motioning to the blonde standing over from me, Tobias and Tom offering one another a quick greeting.

"Not at all the more the merrier" Tom waved off, looking over at me with a raised eyebrow as I stared back at him blankly. "So stop moping and put on a dinner dress" he added, my head shaking at him as I leaned my shoulder against the wall of the entry way, my arms crossing over my chest. "I never said I would come with you" I countered, a dry smile spreading on his face as he nodded his head and leaned towards me ever so slightly. "Then you will be going to bed on an empty stomach" Tom responded, his tone sounding joking, but his face telling me that he was being deadly serious. I studied him for a moment, trying to tell if it was worth going out to dinner with the three of them.

"Where are you going?" I asked, Tom looking over at Monty who had a kind smile on his face, something that never seemed to waver from his resting expression. "Bistro Papillion" he told me, the french name rolling off of his tongue as I nodded my head, the small french restaurant being renowned in the city. "It's owned by a family friend" Tobias said, my head tilting to look at him as I nodded it slightly, running my tongue over the back of my teeth. "They have good steak" Tom said, pointing a finger at me as I pushed myself off of the wall, keeping my arms over my chest. "I'm sure they do" I muttered, walking to the other wall and picking up my suitcase from where I had abandoned it earlier. "Let me change my dress" I told the three boys, walking into the spare bedroom and flicking the door shut with my heel just in time with Tom's shout from the entryway.

"We will be waiting"


A/N: hello again, I know it has been a long while since I last uploaded but I took a short break from writing over the last months and have been focusing on school but I am happy to say I am back
i'm not going to lie, after Tobias' introduction I have been dying to write more of his character, what can I say I live for a mysterious smart boy who leans out of windows with a cigarette
anyways look forward to some Tobias and Kate content (hmmm) and please do not forget to vote and comment on I will see you all again soon

A/N: hello again, I know it has been a long while since I last uploaded but I took a short break from writing over the last months and have been focusing on school but I am happy to say I am back i'm not going to lie, after Tobias' introduction I ...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2021 ⏰

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