Chapter 05 ( Endless Cycle )

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-and that's how you do a simple sip Kenny!" Angelina finally explained. She put her teacup down and plate down. She looked over to Kenny's direction to see how he would do it. "I see. . . I think I can do that." Kenny replied quickly. He replicated her actions carefully and cautiously since it had actual liquid in it, well the liquid being water if you want to be specific. He took a quick sip and soon after put his teacup and plate down. "Did I. . . Did I do it right Angie?" He questioned, looking up to Angelina for approval.

She gasped at his actions, they seemed almost exactly like hers, just much slower and not as good as the actual master. "You did it perfectly Kenny! You finally learnt!" She exclaimed happily and loudly as she stood up in excitement.

'Finally! My little brother finally learnt the proper ways of Teasipping and

She squealed a bit and gave Kenny a quick hug to show how happy she was. "So..I did it?" He began asking, to process what she just said. She laughed a little at that. "Yep you big dummy! You did it!" She exclaimed happily once again. Kenny then showed her a big smile equalized to hers. He hugged her back quickly as well.

"Does that mean I can finally join in your tea parties??" He excitedly asked. "Yes yes! Of course Kenny! You now hold the professional Teatimer badge." She giggled. Kenny gaped at this. "Woah! That seems cool!" He said suddenly. Angelina flicked his forehead once she let go of the hug. "Of course it's cool! and you just earned it!" She exclaimed very joyfully.

He laughed a bit while he rubbed his forehead until he opened his mouth. "Hey Angie I have a question to ask you." Kenny said. She nodded for him to go on. "Okay well. . . if I'm a professional Teatimer now. . ." he started. She hummed for him to continue. "Does that mean I can also drink tea?" He finished saying. She blinked for a while and thought for a bit.

'Can Kenny even drink tea? Would he even enjoy its taste? Does he even like tea in the first place?? How does he know what tea is anymore? I don't even drink tea?? Do I even use tea in my tea parties? What's happening??'

"Well. . ." She hummed a bit. "We'll have to ask Mom and Dad." She replied.  Kenny's smile faltered when she mentioned 'Mom' but she didn't notice in the slightest. "Oh. . . well ok that's fine, maybe we can ask them both at the same time when Dad comes back from work when we're all at the dinner table." Kenny replied. "Oh! Your right Kenny! We could also ask them for some biscuits along the way!" She exclaimed excitedly. Kenny nodded his head at the idea. "Now I'm getting kind of hungry again Angie." Kenny jokingly said laughing a bit. She decided to laugh alongside him since she also was now getting hungry again.

"Oh we should find some snacks in the kitchen, I'm sure there has to be some there." She said motioning Kenny to follow her out of her room to the kitchen. Kenny now stood up and walked over to where she was."Okay Angie." Kenny replied. Angelina grabbed his hand and walked over to the kitchen to find anything available to eat, as soon as she did, she went to the lower cabinets first to search. There were only organic cereal boxes which her and Kenny both found icky. They then went to the opposite side of the lower cabinets and opened it. "What's in it?" Kenny asked, peeking over my back. "Well, it seems to be a bunch of cans Kenny." She replied confusingly.

She reached her hand out to a can and swiftly grabbed it and inspected it. It seemed to be 'Tomato Soup'? She handed it to Kenny who also looked confused. "Yeah I don't think we can even eat this." She said. She grabbed the can from Kenny and put it back, shutting the cabinet door as well. "What about the top cabinet Angie?" Kenny questioned pointing up to the top cabinet. She looked up to where Kenny was pointing and nodded her ahead in agreement. "Okay Kenny, but how are we going to get up there? We're really short if you haven't noticed." She deadpanned.

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