| Addition | Victim x2

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It had been a very busy day for the family as the beloved Mother was about to give birth. The setting around them was inside of a hospital's waiting room. The Father of the family or should I say 'Allan' , had been sitting impatiently waiting for his wife and soon to be newborn child to turn out okay , as well as healthy. He was trembling in fear as well as worry thinking of multiple possibilities on what could be happening or even happen at all. Next to him were his daughters and only son. 'Terrance' as the oldest of being only 10 yrs old , following 'Jessica' of being 5 yrs old and then finally to 'Angie' being 2 yrs old. They all had been seated outside of the room being still.
Terrance looked over to his Father and looked away immediately, he had noticed how nervous his Father seemed to be. It was pretty obvious why , especially with how Allan had been sweating profoundly with his hands twitching as he was looking down on the floor with his eyes widened. He's experienced this three times already and always acted like it was the first time , he never got quite used to this from his own worries. Jessica had also noticed her Father's expression and got curious enough to say something. "Pa?" Jessica spoke gently with a questioning tone tied onto her voice which gained the attention of her Father who turned his head towards her. She seemed genuinely worried. "O-oh yes sweetie?" Allan managed to smile a bit for her as he started to gently pat her head. "Are you okay?" She questioned once again. Allan stifled and sighed deeply trying to maintain his composure.

"I'm alright Jess , just thinking about your Mommy." Allan said simply and stopped patting her head. "Oh." Jessica said as an answer. "Oh well- okay Pa." She said and turned away from him , she wasn't very worried for her Mother as last time they were in this- , it was when Angie had been born , so she automatically started looking at Angie from this thought , she was playing around in her seat with her dolls. She was brushing one of the dolls' hair with her own hands since she didn't bring a brush. She seemed very calm and happy like if there were no worries in her mind at all , well of course she was like that , she didn't know what was happening since she was only 2. Terrance on the other hand had seen this type of thing to happen 2 times already from Jessica and Angie's birth. He wasn't very worried either but it wasn't like he even liked his Mother. So he'd be fine with her being gone. He didn't really care. His eyes lingered on the floor as he sat there being very bored. Jessica was also visibly bored , she groaned in her boredom as she started sulking in her seat with a pouty face. She obviously hated this.

Allan was still casually waiting very impatiently , he was still being worried for his wife , he looked over to his children and saw how they seemed to be. Jessica was as bored as always , of course - it's predictable why , she's hyper. He looked over at Terrance, he seemed bored as well but very silent about it. He looked over at Angie now , and she- well she - she was just playing with her dolls like if nothing exciting was happening. He stifled a laugh from this and smiled at how lucky he was to have his children to be with him. Oh but this would be nothing if it weren't for Flora , his beautiful wife , he did truly love her , she was the most kindest , understanding , caring , and especially loving person he'd ever known , boy was he lucky to have her and his blessed children , especially with one coming on the way ! His worries soon faded as he kept thinking happy thoughts about how everything will turn out fine. That is until he heard Angie and Jess start fighting.


"Angie give it ! It's not yours !"


Allan immediately had shifted his head onto his children as he felt the rest of the people around them silently judge him , he felt embarrassed by all the stares. He had saw them both standing up from their seats struggling to grab something they both had in hand , much like a game of tug of war , he couldn't tell what object it was.
"U-UH-" Allan stuttered as he stood up slightly from his seat to lead back Jessica and Angie to their seats.
As soon as he sat them down he sighed in disappointment.
"Now - what were you two fighting about ?" He said in a harsh whisper. Jessica looked down for a second before looking back up. "Angie stole my buttons."
"NOOO." Angie protested , she stuck her tongue out and blew a raspberry on Jessica. "UGH ANGIE!" Jessica had said angrily trying to reach for her until Allan had blocked her. "Hey hey hey - now we won't be fighting with each other ." He looked over at Angie now. "And don't do that anymore Angie you hear me ?" He said clearly. Angie had just stared at him. He sighed.
"Okay I'm taking that as a yes." He looked back again at Jessica. "Now Jessica what do you mean by stealing your buttons?" He questioned. "She stole the buttons of my old dolls for her own !" Jessica cried out. "Okay Jessica shhh inside voices alright?" Jessica nodded with an angry face before continuing. "So she stole my buttons and won't give it back." She finally said. Angie immediately had gotten offended with an over exaggerated expression as she shook her head at Jessica aggressively. "Okay okay - Angie give me Jessica's buttons." Allan handed his hand over to Angie as he was waiting for her to give him the buttons. Angie whined as she really didn't want to. "PAPA NOO" Angie cried as she held tighter onto her dolls which seemed to be her only source of comfort from being confronted by her Father.

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