•He is homeless•

222 10 14

• Andy •

Cold days was around the corner. I had nothing but an old sheet that was making a blanket. I was laying on cold ground at the station. People missed me with disgust, sometimes they threw a pound into a paper cup.

There was days like today, I wanted to end my life. Tell me, what I'm supposed to do? I have nothing. I'm homeless. I'm dirty. My clothes are ripped. I have no money for medication, I already forgot that I have an asthma. 

I was looking at happy people. People who have nice and warm homes, husbands or wifes, oh my God, childrens! Or someone for being a reason to life. I have nobody, and mister Nobody is my real name. 

I sat and I leaned my head against the wall. I saw that I had enough for a warm meal in a nearby bar.

I grabbed my blanket and cardboard and I headed for the exit from the station. 

A few minutes later I was talking with Mark, bar owner. 

- Hi Andy! Nice to see ya! How was your day dude? - an old, black man asked. 

- Hiya Mark. Not good at all. I think smart people call it depression. 

- Oh mate, it can't be that bad, you'll soon get an egg and bacon, your mood will change immediately! - he shouted and I think I was smiling for a moment. 

Right after this, Mark gave me a plate full of goodies.

- And hot tea with milk, on the firm cost - he blinked his eye at me.

- What would I do without you man, thanks a lot. - I thanked and started eating, previously taking the dirty hat off my head.

I tried to hide my dirty and too long fingernails, but it didn't seem like much. Tears dripped on my plate, I had enough of my life. I was disgusted with myself.

I ended up my meal, payed and said goodbye to Mark. 

Fuck, it started raining. I knew that one more flu and I'll be dead. I hid under the bridge avoiding rain, autumn time. London did not pamper. 

Suddenly a boy ran up, standing by me. He pulled the hood off of his head and fixed his hair. It was the first time I saw such a person. His perfect facial shape was in harmony with the beautiful color of his hair. He looked at me. He caught me staring at him. 

- Hey, I have something on my face that you look at me like that? - He asked.

- Nah, sorry for this. - I said and turn my head in another direction. 

- What are you doing here in this weather? - boy asked. 

- Oh, nothing special, I'm homeless, so it's time for some sleep. You see? I have my blanket, so I will rest somewhere on the station. 

- Are you freakin serious? - his eyes started being bigger than in usual human. 

- That's my life. I don't know where I will be sleeping tomorrow. Im catching moments like this. It was nice to meet ya. I must go. - I said and started walking slowly. 

- Hey, stop! - he grabbed my arm. - You can't sleep on the outside. You might be sick! 

- Don't worry, I'll be fine. 

- No, come with me.  I'm not going to hurt you.

- Don't bother with me. Seriously. 

- How old are you? Eighteen, nineteen? 

- Close. Twenty. - I responded. 

- Me too. You can't be here, you're so young.

- Oh,  I think I am old enough to be alone. - I smirked to him. 

- No, no, and once again - no! - he pull out phone from his pocket and call somewhere. - You'll go with me. 

- I can't. I even don't know you. 

- Like I said. I'm not a freak, and you should't be scared of me. I just want you to help. 

- Whatever. - I said and and I watched the water flowing down the drain.

After few minutes taxi stopped in front of us. 

- Go ahead. - boy said and opened the door cab. 

I took the place, still squeezing my belongings in my hands.

- Rye. - he reached out to me. 

- Andy. - I did the same, but still hiding my dirty hands. 

- You need a long shower and new clothes, you know? - when he said that, I got stupid. Rye was well looked after, had expensive clothes, smelled beautiful.

- You don't have to do this for me. - and I hung my eyes on the window.

- But I want to. - he said and did exactly the same as me. 

The cab driver took us to his house as I suspected. 

- Come on, don't be ashamed.- He encouraged me to enter through the gate. - You won't need this anymore. - and threw all my belongings in the trash. 

- What are you doing?! - I started screaming, but the boy pulled my arm to get inside.

It was warm in his house. It was warm, something I had been missing for two years. The house was big and beautiful. There were bright colors everywhere and a fireplace in the middle of the living room.

- Wait a moment, I will bring you some things. - he responded and disappeared somewhere on the floor. 

He left me alone.     

After a few minutes he returned with a stack of things.

- Here, you'll need this. - and he gave me everything in my hands. - Everything is in the bathroom, if you need anything, call out. I'll wait here. 

I headed to the bathroom. I started to undress the remains of things that were hanging on my skinny body and then I turned off the water taps. I almost forgot how to use the shower. Warm water poured over my body and I wanted to cry. I stood naked and cried like a child. 

I washed thoroughly, my hair smelled so wonderful. I changed into clean clothes, finally I brush my teeth! I cut off too long nails, shaved and even cut my own hair a little. I looked into the reflection in the mirror and couldn't believe that this is what I looked like two years ago, before my parents left. I decided not to mention these difficult moments and left the bathroom.

- Rye, what should I do with my clothes? - I asked.

The boy leaned his head from behind the couch on which he sat, and then got up. He stood in front of me and watched me closely. 

We stood there looking at each other without any motion. 

- Now I am sure that you will never be homeless again. - He said, he took my dirty clothes, threw them in the trashcan and invited them to the kitchen for a warming tea with milk. 

I followed him without saying a word, wondering all the time what it could have been about that I would no longer be homeless.  

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