Drunk Idiot

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"Come on Jen, she can't be that mad," Jisoo reassured, wincing as Jennie had chugged her sixth shot that night. The girls were at a frat party and may have regretted their decision. Jennie was drinking and sad. A terrible mix.

The brunette groaned, eyes clenched as the alcohol painfully slid down her throat. She wiped her lips and pouted, staring down at the moving cups. Were they moving or was she? Oh gosh, she was drunk. Jennie took another beer and sighed,

"She's mad. I made her mad. And now I'm sad," Jennie suddenly giggled, "That rhymed. I'm a poet!" She shouted, covering her lips and staring wide eyed towards her blonde friend who was giggling and patting her head,

"Awe, yeah you are."

Jennie giggled, dancing in her seat, "Yeah, I'm a catch." Jisoo chuckled, taking away the beer from Jennie's hand.

"You're definitely a catch right now." She was being sarcastic but Jennie was too drunk to notice it. Jennie was smiling as if she won a medal but then the memory of Lisa's angry eyes appeared and she was pouting again.

"But, if I'm a catch, why does she hate me so much?"

A few hours ago, Jennie was helping Lisa with her laundry when she had mistakenly placed a red material with the whites and, well, lets just say Lisa wasn't too happy. And, let's also just say she raised her voice at Jennie, hence why she was drinking as much as she was.

Chaeyoung cooed, draping her arm over Jennie's shoulder and leaning her cheek over the smaller one's head,

"She doesn't hate you J, she's just upset. And people who are upset will go to hell!" Chaeyoung was also drunk.

Jennie raised her empty shot glass, "Amen!"

Jisoo groaned, pinching the bridge of her nose, "This is the worst time to be sober." Jennie chuckled, reaching over to take back her beer. She was ready to take another giant gulp when the phone in her pocket chimed. She placed the beer down and began to pat her body.

"Where are you my cellular device?" She asked, slowly beginning to panic. Jisoo sighed once more as she reached over to take the phone out of Jennie's front pocket.

"Stop touching your boobs Jen," She handed the phone, rolling her eyes as Jennie giggle obnoxiously loud. She reached over, grabbed Jisoo's collar and pulled her close, placing a sloppy kiss on her cheek.

"Thanks Chu!"

Chaeyoung gasped, grabbing Jisoo's arm and pulling her so close that she ended up seating on the blonde girls lap,


Jennie laughed, she had never seen Jisoo blush that hard before. And, because Jisoo was too preoccupied from trying to get out of the girls lap without having her cry, Jennie decided that she wanted some fresh air. So, stumbling out of the frat house, she found herself plopping down on the grass.

She exhaled deeply, as she looked up at the night sky. There were so many stars and she was determined to count them all. The stars were pretty, Lisa was pretty. Lisa reminds her of stars. She wanted to tell Lisa that. She should tell Lisa that she's the brightest star in the nights sky.

Jennie looked down at her phone, only to smile and kick her feet in delight.

Lisa: I'm sorry I yelled...

Sent 8:34 PM

Lisa: Where are you?

Sent 10:23 PM

And, before she knew it, Jennie dialed her phone and placed it next to her ear. Surprisingly, it only took two rings for Lisa to answer and Jennie was melting just by the sound of her voice.

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