Sleep Over

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"What are you two doing here and why are you wearing..." Jennie's curious eyes swept over her best friends matching, plaid pink pajamas, down to Chaeyoung's chipmunk fuzzy slippers and Jisoo's chicken fuzzy slippers. "...that?"

Jisoo stared at Jennie in disbelief, as if she was the one wearing something odd and weirdly bright,

"Sleeping over, clearly" the older one said, adjusting her pillow in her hands with Chaeyoung nodding her head, teeth holding on to a bag of chips while her hands held onto her own sets of goldfish pillows. She raised a brow,

"Didn't you get our texts?"

Jennie 's brows furrowed, "No."

Jisoo then winked, "That's because we didn't send any." Jennie then groaned, annoyance filling her veins.

She needed to study and having two children there would ruin her whole thought process. She also did not want Lisa to meet them. If she thought Jennie was weird? Then wait till she meets the duo.

"Nope, nope, I refuse." Jennie tried closing the door but Jisoo had placed her foot, blocking and crushing Jennie's hopes and dreams,

"And we refuse your refusal." And, with that, the two pushed their way in. Another whine came out from Jennie's scowl,

"Girls, please. I have to study and I don't want you bothering me or Lisa." She tried to reason desperately but Jisoo and Chaeyoung were already placing their pillows on her bed. Wait, her bed?

"Aren't you two going to sleep on the floor?" She asked, crossing her arms and eyeing Chaeyoung who suddenly took the brunettes pillow. Her eyes widened because when the younger one placed Jennie's pillow on Lisa's bed, something clicked in her brain. She might actually kill them. She gasped,

"Oh no no no..."

Jennie tried rushing over but Chaeyoung had spread her arms, blocking her path and smiling a smile that was filled with mischief. A dangerous look. An evil look. They were evil geniuses it would seem.

"Oh yes yes yes my dearest." Jisoo chuckled, seating herself on the edge of the bed and kicking her feet in a child like manner, "You see, Chaeyoung and I have been observing and it seems to me that you're lacking on a few things."

Jennie scoffed with an eye roll, "Oh? And what is that?" Jisoo smirked,


Jennie gasped, with widened eyes, knowing exactly what she was referring to. Yes, Jennie knew she has been lacking on her confidence but how could she when Lisa's confidence was growing every single day?

Two months has passed and it seems that Lisa has become more, well... let's just say its been hard to handle Lisa's teasing.

She was just teasing. Those footsie games in the library, the subtle brush of her finger tips on the back of her hand as they walked together, the smiles, her soft, tender eyes and the smirk, she was just teasing. They didn't mean anything, right?

"Excuse me? I have balls!"

Jisoo snorted, smirking in a challenging way and Jennie felt absolutely challenged.

"I highly doubt that."

"It's true! Hell, I have bigger balls than you two!" Chaeyoung raised a brow, looking highly amused.

"Bigger balls?"

Jennie nodded feverishly, "My balls are the biggest balls you have ever seen!!"

Jisoo's eyes lingered over Jennie's shoulder, Chaeyoung covered her mouth, giggling, and Jennie's body stiffened.

Oh no.

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