English Class

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Okay Jennie, you are going to open your eyes and when you do, you will see that Lisa is awake. You will get up, send a less creepy smile and apologize and ask if you can start over. Okay? Ready? In three, two, one...

Jennie abruptly opened her eyes and groaned in annoyance.

Lisa wasn't there.

Her bed was empty and made. No sign of Lisa, the gorgeous human being and Jennie frowned. Guess no apology will be made until she sees her again. The thought had Jennie whine under her breath and cover face with her blanket. How could she embarrass herself so quickly?

Jennie may not have great game, but she wasn't that bad at meeting new people. But this was Lisa, a silent, cold beauty. It had Jennie believe that her new roommate was far too pretty to ever even look her way, let alone be roommates with her.

Maybe she should consider rooming with someone else.

The thought did cross her mind but the crush bubbling up in her chest for the girl had her push away the thought to the point it was completely forgotten. Who would ever give up rooming with such unreasonably pretty woman. Not Jennie. Nope, she refused to let her first impression get the best of a possible blooming friendship.

Hopefully more...

Jennie rolled her eyes.

Don't get too ahead of yourself Kim, you couldn't even smile properly yesterday.

Letting out another sigh of disappointment, Jennie tapped her cheeks and shook her head before sliding off the bed and getting ready for her first day of attending college classes.

"Hey Rosie? You're smart and all. Is it possible for you to build a time machine?" Jennie breathed, walking along side her friends, hands gripping her bag tightly. Her blonde haired friend giggled, almond eyes twinkling curiously towards the gloomy brunette.

"It couldn't have been that bad," Chaeyoung reasoned with Jisoo snickering beside her.

"Oh trust me chipmunk, it was definitely bad." Jisoo then sighed and shook her head, "I raised you better than this Jen." Jennie rolled her eyes and nudged her shoulder against Jisoo's before locking her arms and resting her chin on the older girls shoulder with a small pout on display as they continued walking through campus.

"She hates me, I just know it," Jennie whined. "Especially after I tried buying her a smoothie last night! Why do I have to be so clumsy?!"

Last night, when Jennie came back to the dorm, she was holding two smoothie cups. One was for Lisa and she hoped it would assist the smaller one in removing Lisa's memory of her horrible, awful, disturbing introduction.

What she didn't expect, however, was opening the door and running straight into Lisa. Her fruity, fresh drink splattered, not only the floor, but Lisa's white shirt. She shivered just remembering the cold eyes staring down at her as she tried to apologize profusely. But then, Lisa sighed and quietly helped her clean up.

It would have put Jennie's worries at ease, but whenever Jennie tried to get a word out, Lisa would simply shrug, hum or nod. And it didn't help that the blush in her cheeks refused to leave because Lisa's black bra was sticking to her wet, white shirt. A wet Lisa. A soaked Lisa.

Her gay heart could not take it.

"That's it, I'm going to hell."

Jisoo and Chaeyoung rolled their eyes simultaneously as they entered the building. The duo had no classes but decided to walk Jennie to her own since she had been moping and whining non stop. And, making their way in front of the classroom door, they stopped. Jisoo slid Jennie off of her and gripped onto her shoulders. Dark, almond eyes staring into sad cat like eyes with utter annoyance.

She's cute, but so damn oblivious...Where stories live. Discover now